Dead Animal Removal 101: Protecting Your Property and Health

The unfortunate discovery of a dead animal on your property is not merely a nuisance; it poses significant risks to health and the environment. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn the importance of prompt dead animal removal, how to identify the presence of a dead animal, health risks and legal obligations, DIY removal procedures, the value of professional services, and how to prevent future incidents. Arm yourself with the knowledge to act swiftly and responsibly when confronted with this unpleasant situation.

Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed and Insured Dead Animal Removal Service in Nashville TN
Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed and Insured Dead Animal Removal Service in Nashville TN

The Urgency of Dead Animal Removal

The presence of deceased fauna on your property is more than a mere inconvenience. It can lead to severe health risks, foul odors, and pests. Immediate action is crucial, not only for your well-being but also for your property’s integrity. Dead animal carcasses can attract scavengers, lead to bio-hazard contamination, and signify an infestation within your premises. It’s imperative to understand that delaying the removal process can exacerbate these issues, inferring more costly and complex solutions further down the line.

Potential Health Hazards

Leaving a dead animal unattended opens the door to numerous health dangers. Bacterial infections such as salmonella, leptospirosis, and even the potentially fatal hantavirus are risks associated with the handling or close proximity to these carcasses. These risks multiply when the dead animal is indoors, sharing spaces where food is prepared and absence of proper ventilation can lead to toxic fume buildup.

Preventing Property Damage and Ongoing Infestation

The decomposition process produces potent odors and can attract a variety of pests, from insects to larger scavengers, who may then attempt to access the interior of your property. In addition, when left unchecked, the site of the deceased animal can become a breeding ground for disease vectors and slowly seep into your property’s structure, inflicting irreparable damage.

Identifying a Deceased Animal on Your Property

Awareness is key in this instance; spotting a dead animal quickly is the first step in the removal process. A deceased animal can often be identified through various signs – visually witnessing a dead creature, an unexplained odor, or an increase in pest activity.

Common Indicators of a Dead Animal

A sudden unpleasant smell in a specific area of your property, pest activity, or even the sight of the animal itself can signal its demise. For indoor inspections, if the stench is accompanied by a fast-spreading visible odor, the proximity to that area will often lead to the direct source of the problem. For the outdoors, follow trails of scavengers like flies or vultures to locate the carcass.

Locations to Inspect for Deceased Animals

Both the indoors and outdoors of your property provide potential hiding places for a dead animal. The attic, inside walls, or beneath floorboards are typical indoor hiding spots, while the outdoor areas may include under decks, in garages, or beneath sheds. Regular checks in these areas are recommended to minimize the adverse effects of an undisclosed dead animal.

Safety and Legal Implications of Dead Animal Removal

The dangers of an undiscovered dead animal extend beyond the immediate risks to vast legal implications. Health risks range from bacterial infections to potent pathogens and must be managed with the utmost care. Further, Tennessee has stringent laws governing the removal of dead animals, and non-compliance can lead to fines and, in extreme cases, legal action.

Health Risks

The risks run the gamut from physical injury during removal to life-threatening zoonosis. The environment surrounding the carcass can also introduce toxigenic molds, create respiratory issues, and pose general occupational hazards. It is essential to consider not only your own direct exposure but the well-being of any occupants or visitors to your property.


Tennessee laws protect against the spread of disease and maintain the overall health of the state’s communities. Dead animal handling is rigidly enforced to prevent a public hazard, and failure to adhere to these laws constitutes a violation that can result in a citation.

DIY Dead Animal Removal: Step-by-Step Guide

For smaller deceased animals, one safe and effective removal is attainable with the right approach. By following these steps, you can manage the situation without exposure to health hazards.

Handling the Carcass

To begin, you need to gather essential safety equipment, which includes gloves, face mask, and a sturdy trash bag. Next, identify the deceased animal’s location and ensure no other immediate risks exist in the area. Using a shovel or tongs, carefully pick up the animal and place it in the bag. Once securely sealed, dispose of the bag in the appropriate waste receptacle.

Safety Precautions and Gear

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is non-negotiable when dealing with deceased wildlife. It serves as a barrier against direct contact or inhalation of potentially hazardous substances. Avoid direct handling of the animal with your bare hands; instead, use designated tools for the task. Post-removal, thoroughly wash and disinfect the area and any equipment used.

Professional Dead Animal Removal Services

There are instances where the experience or potential risk may be too high for an individual to handle. In these cases, professional animal removal services are an invaluable resource. If the size or condition of the dead animal is beyond your comfort level, enlist the expert services of a professional. This may include larger animals or those in advanced stages of decay that present a greater bio-hazard threat.

When selecting a provider, consider their experience, certifications, and customer feedback. Verify that any potential contractor carries the necessary insurance to cover any accidents or damages that might occur during the removal process.

Preventing Future Dead Animal Encounters

Prevention is always superior to remediation. By taking proactive measures, you can reduce the probability of dead animal incidents on your property. Regular maintenance, sealing entry points, and awareness of signs of nuisance wildlife presence can help reduce the potential for future dead animal incidents. By staying informed of local wildlife habits and seasonal patterns, you can preemptively mitigate risk factors.

Develop a routine inspection schedule to catch potential problems early. Check both indoor and outdoor areas in accordance with seasonally appropriate times and observe any changes in your surroundings. Remember, recurring diligence is your best defense.

Final Thoughts

Prompt dead animal removal is essential to your property’s health, integrity, and compliance with the law. The process need not be as daunting as it first seems when approached with preparation, knowledge, and if need be, professional assistance. Be proactive in protecting your property and the well-being of everyone within it by staying well-informed and acting decisively.

Remember, dead animal removal is not an isolated task; it’s a vital part of your property’s ongoing health management. Prioritize vigilance and swift action, and in doing so, you maintain a safe and welcoming environment for yourself and others.

For those requiring professional dead animal removal services in Tennessee, we encourage you to reach out to our reputable and experienced wildlife removal and control team. Contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured dead animal removal, animal infestation cleanup, and more. We also serve commercial properties and multi-housing complexes.

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What To Do if You Find a Dead Animal in the Yard
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Squirrels in Your Attic: A Guide to Safe and Humane Animal Removal

Discovering that squirrels have made themselves at home in your attic can be a frustrating and concerning experience for any homeowner or property manager. The pitter-patter of little feet at first provides a quaint, woodland charm to the home’s atmosphere, but it quickly turns into a nightmare when the adorable intruders start chewing through your wiring or causing structural damage. This guide is designed to help you not only handle the immediate issue but do so with respect for the safety, well-being, and legal status of these commonly misunderstood creatures.

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Squirrel Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Squirrel Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Why are Squirrels an Issue in Attics?

Squirrels are crafty creatures, known for their agility and acumen. When they choose to set up camp in your residence, they’re usually not looking for trouble – just a cozy spot to call home. However, the consequences of their presence can be far-reaching, from the immediate dangers of electrical fires to the long-term implications of compromised housing insulation. While the urge to handle the situation swiftly is understandable, it’s crucial to remember that ensuring the safety of the animals and maintaining compliance with wildlife regulations are just as important.

The first step in resolving a squirrel infestation is identifying that it’s happening. This might seem straightforward, but signs of these nimble critters can be subtle. Once you’re confident that squirrels are the issue, employing safe and humane removal techniques should be your next priority. Understanding the relevant legal and ethical considerations is also vital, as it ensures that your actions are responsible and provide a framework for future interactions with wildlife.

Identifying Squirrel Infestation

Squirrel infestations are often first noted by scratching or scurrying sounds in the attic or chimney. You might also hear the animals vocalizing. Physical signs include damage caused by chewing, nesting materials such as shredded insulation, and droppings. Squirrels often enter buildings in search of shelter and a place to raise young, making your attic an ideal spot.

Sounds and Noises – One of the most tell-tale signs of a squirrel infestation is the sound of the animals moving around, particularly at dawn and dusk when they’re most active. They’re loud, and hearing them move is often the first indicator of their presence.

Damage – Squirrels have sharp teeth and are known to gnaw through wood, electrical wiring, and even PVC plumbing. This kind of damage poses both safety and structural risks.

Droppings and Odors – Accumulating droppings and the urine of these animals can lead to foul smells and can also pose health risks to the indoor air quality of your home.

Nesting Material – Squirrels build nests out of any material they can find, and your attic’s insulation and materials may be used to create these homes, leading to further structural and safety issues within the space.

Safest Squirrel Removal Techniques

Once you’ve confirmed a squirrel infestation, it’s critical to remove them safely. This is a task best handled by professionals. Licensed and insured wildlife removal companies not only have the expertise to handle the animals without harm, but they also have a suite of tools and techniques to ensure the removal is complete and permanent. Professional squirrel removal services are also well-versed in local wildlife regulations and will act in accordance with them, ensuring that your squirrel removal is legal. Furthermore, they will be equipped to deal with any biohazards created by the infestation.

Risks of DIY Animal Removal

When dealing with wildlife, you enter a different legal category than in simple pest prevention. Various local and national regulations exist to protect animals, and it’s important to understand the laws in your area so that you remain in compliance. DIY removal is risky for both humans and the animals. Squirrels can carry diseases such as rabies, and inexperienced individuals are more likely to be exposed to dangers during trapping and removal.

Recommended Squirrel Control Measures

Respect for animal welfare should guide all your interactions with wildlife. The goal is not just to remove the immediate problem but to ensure that the squirrels are unharmed in the process and that the solution is a humane one. With that being said, prevention is often more effective and less hassle than cure. In the case of nuisance squirrels, control measures can deter these creatures from considering your property as a potential nesting site.

Seal Entry Points

After the squirrels are gone, it’s essential to seal entry points. Carefully inspect your home’s exterior, looking for gaps and openings through which a squirrel might enter. Seal these up with the appropriate materials to prevent future access. Regularly inspect your home’s exterior for new entry points. Remember, squirrels and other wildlife are persistent and opportunistic, and a small breach could be their way in.

Remove Attractants

The primary reason squirrels are attracted to your home is the presence of food or the potential for shelter. Store food securely and ensure there are minimal hiding spots like overgrown vegetation near the home. You may want to invest in squirrel baffles for bird feeders and other areas you don’t want them climbing.

Squirrel Repellents

Natural wildlife repellents can discourage squirrels from the immediate vicinity. These include things like hot pepper sprays, putrescent egg crumbles, castor oil, or even predator urine, but their effectiveness may vary.


A squirrel infestation in your attic is a disruptive event, but it is one that can be effectively and humanely resolved with the right approach. By acting responsibly and proactively, you can ensure the safety of both your home and the wildlife that might otherwise cause you trouble. Understanding your rights, the animals’ needs, and the most effective removal and prevention methods creates the foundation for a safe living environment for all parties involved.

Remember, while squirrels may be a nuisance to you, they’re neighbors in their own right, living in the very nature we strive to conserve. Treating them with respect as you address the situation not only aligns with ethical practices but also sets a positive example for the sustainable management of our shared environment.

Should you discover squirrels in your attic, don’t panic. Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured squirrel removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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How to Identify and Prevent Damage from Squirrels in Your Home
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What to Do if You Find a Dead Animal in Your Yard

Welcome to our blog where we discuss all things related to wildlife control and animal removal. Today’s topic is one that many homeowners unfortunately have to deal with at some point – finding a dead animal in their yard. It can be a distressing sight, and you may not know what steps to take next. That’s why we’re here to provide you with information on what to do if you find a dead animal in your yard.

Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Dead Animal Removal Service in Indianapolis
Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Dead Animal Removal Service in Indianapolis

Dead Animal Removal Guide

Assess the Situation

The first step is to assess the situation and determine if it is safe for you to handle the dead animal yourself. If the animal is large, such as a deer or coyote, or has been there for a while, it’s best to call a professional wildlife control company for assistance. They have the equipment and expertise to handle these situations safely. If the animal is small, like a bird or squirrel, you can proceed with caution. Wear gloves and use a shovel or other tool to carefully remove the animal from your yard.

Contact Your Local Authorities

It’s important to report any dead animals you find in your yard to your local authorities. They may need to collect the animal for Rabies testing if it appears to have died from a disease or virus. This is especially important if you have pets that may come into contact with the dead animal.

Proper Disposal

Once the animal has been safely removed, it’s important to dispose of it properly. Do not bury the animal in your yard, as this can attract other animals and spread disease. Instead, contact your local Indiana wildlife control company for instructions on how to properly dispose of the animal.

Clean and Disinfect the Area

After the dead animal has been removed, it’s important to clean and disinfect the area where it was found. This will help prevent any potential diseases or parasites from spreading. Use a mixture of bleach and water to thoroughly clean the area, and wear gloves while doing so.

How to Prevent Wildlife Encounters on Your Property

1. Identify the Species

The first step in abating nuisance wildlife is to identify the species that is causing the problem. This can be done by looking for physical evidence such as droppings, tracks, or nests. It is also important to understand the behavior of the animal so that effective solutions can be implemented.

2. Exclusion

Exclusion is a method of abating nuisance wildlife that involves blocking off access to areas where they are causing problems. This can be done by repairing holes in walls and roofs, installing fencing around gardens and yards, and using screens on windows and doors.

3. Repellents

Repellents are another option for abating nuisance wildlife. These products use scents or tastes that animals find unpleasant in order to deter them from entering an area or consuming food sources. Repellents are available in many forms including sprays, granules, and electronic devices.

4. Trapping

Trapping is a more aggressive method of abating nuisance wildlife that involves physically removing animals from an area using traps or snares. This should only be done under the guidance of a licensed and insured wildlife control professional as it requires knowledge of animal behavior and local regulations regarding trapping animals.


Finding a dead animal in your yard is never a pleasant experience, but by following these steps, you can handle the situation safely and prevent any potential health hazards. Remember to always assess the situation before attempting to handle the animal yourself, contact your local authorities, properly dispose of the animal, and take precautions to prevent future incidents. And if you need assistance with wildlife control or animal removal, don’t hesitate to call a professional for help. Stay safe and keep your yard free from unwanted visitors.  So next time you find a dead animal in your yard, you’ll know exactly what to do.

Are animals like squirrels, skunks, birds, and raccoons becoming a nuisance around your residential or commercial property? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured wildlife control services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We guarantee to fit your budget for safe wildlife control. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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7 Tips for Controlling Groundhog Infestations

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks or whistle-pigs, are common pests in many parts of the United States. Whether you have a small infestation of groundhogs living under your porch or a large population on your property, controlling them can be challenging. With proper knowledge and techniques, however, it is possible to keep these critters away from your home and garden. Below are 7 tips for controlling groundhog infestations that will help you get started.

Call 615-337-9165 For Groundhog Control in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 615-337-9165 For Groundhog Control in Indianapolis Indiana

Nuisance Groundhog Damages and Threats

When it comes to nuisance groundhogs, the potential for extensive damage to property can be daunting. These critters may look harmless, but their burrows and tunneling can wreak havoc on lawns, gardens, and even building foundations. In addition to the physical damage, groundhogs can also pose a threat to pets and people. Their burrowing activity can create tripping hazards and weaken the structural integrity of outdoor structures. If you suspect a groundhog infestation on your property, it’s important to take action quickly before the damage becomes too extensive. Professional critter control services can help you safely and effectively remove these pesky animals and protect your property from further destruction.

How to Deter Groundhogs and Keep Them Off of Your Property

1. Identify the source of the infestation. Knowing where groundhogs are coming from is the first step in getting rid of them. Look around your property for signs such as burrows, droppings, and tracks. This will help you identify areas to focus on when setting up control measures.

2. Exclusion is key. Groundhogs dig long burrows that can provide access to your home or garden, so it’s important to make sure they can’t get in by sealing off potential entry points or installing barriers such as fencing or hardware cloth around your yard or garden beds.

3. Eliminate food sources that attract groundhogs. Make sure to keep pet food indoors, and keep your garden free of weeds, garbage, and other plant matter that groundhogs may find attractive.

4. Use a repellent to drive them away. There are a variety of commercial repellents available to try such as castor oil, putrescent egg, or coyote urine, which can be sprayed around the perimeter of your property or garden beds.

5. Trap the groundhogs humanely. If you have a smaller infestation, trapping is an effective way to get rid of them without harming the animals. Make sure to check local laws on trapping before attempting it yourself, as there may be restrictions in place in some areas.

6. Try scent-based deterrents. Non-toxic repellents can drive away groundhogs from your property. Moth balls, ammonia-soaked rags, and predator urine have all been known to be effective in keeping groundhogs away.

7. Hire a Licensed Wildlife Control Company. If the infestation is too large for you to handle yourself or if the problem persists after trying all of the above tips, it may be time to call in an expert wildlife control company for groundhog removal service. Professionals have access to more powerful tools and techniques that can help get rid of groundhog infestations quickly and effectively.

These 7 tips should help you get started with controlling groundhog infestations around your home or garden. Remember to take preventative measures such as sealing potential entry points and eliminating food sources to reduce the risk of future infestations. With the right knowledge and techniques, you can keep your property groundhog-free!

Are groundhogs becoming a nuisance around your residential or commercial property in Indiana? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured groundhog removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana you can afford. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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All You Need to Know about Beaver Removal and Control

Beavers are one of the most destructive creatures in nature. They can cause serious damage to crops, trees, river banks, and other vegetation, as well as create flooding and foundation issues for homes and businesses. Even worse, they are known to steal telephone posts and cause internet connection disruptions in whole communities!

While beavers have their place in the environment, they can wreak havoc on your property if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are ways to remove and control beaver populations before any significant damage is done. In this blog, post we’ll discuss all you need to know about beaver removal and control so that you can keep your property safe from these pesky critters!

Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Beaver Trapping and Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Beaver Trapping and Removal in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Beaver Removal and Control 101

Beavers are unique, semi-aquatic animals with many interesting characteristics and behaviors. They are known as nature’s engineers because of their ability to build dams and lodges with trees, branches, stones, and mud. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports show that a mere two beavers can devastate up to 400 trees per year to make their dams.

As for partnership, beavers tend to mate for life, often sharing the same lodge together; however, they can be territorial if resources or space become limited and will have to do some sort of dominance behavior between each other.

An interesting fact about beavers is that they will even manipulate their environment by changing the flow of water so they can build their dwellings near a calm stream. Beaver control methods include trapping beavers or using fencing material or concrete structures to keep them out of certain areas.

Top 3 Ways to Combat Nuisance Beaver Damage

Beaver Removal

In order to remove beavers from your property, you’ll need to take a few steps. The first step is to locate the source of the damage (i.e., where the beavers are nesting). Once you know where they’re located, you should hire a licensed and insured Indianapolis beaver trapper with decades of experience. Never attempt to trap them yourself nor poison them with toxic beaver repellents. Not only are these practices illegal under most jurisdictions, but they can be very unsafe for both you and the beavers.

Most wildlife removal companies use live traps that won’t harm the animals, then release them in a safe location away from your property. That is because beavers are ecologically important and should not be exterminated or harmed. Attempting to harm, trap, or kill beavers can lead to costly fines, court appearances, criminal charges, and similar legal penalties.

Beaver Control

Now that all of the beavers have been removed from your property, it’s important to take preventative measures against future damage. One way of doing this is by installing fencing around the perimeter of your property. This will help to keep beavers out and minimize any potential damage they might cause. Additionally, you can also make some critical landscaping modifications, like tree clearing.

Beavers rely heavily on tree bark as their prime source of sustenance, and they hold a special fondness for Willow and Cottonwood. However, Alder, Birch, Maple, Aspen, and Poplar are also among the trees that beavers love to feast upon. If you’re up for it, removing these species from your land can drastically reduce any potential beaver activity in the area.

Beaver Damage

The main issue when dealing with beavers is the destruction that they can cause on your property. From uprooting trees and eating crops, to building dams that create flooding issues, these creatures have no boundaries when it comes to what they can do. Therefore, it’s important to take preventive measures and remove any active colonies as soon as possible before significant damage is done.

Get Rid of Beavers For Good With These Tips!

By following all of the steps outlined above, you should now have a better understanding of how to go about removing and controlling beaver populations on your property. Hopefully this blog post has given you the knowledge needed to keep your land safe from these destructive creatures!

Are beavers becoming a nuisance around your residential or commercial property in Indiana? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured beaver removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana you can afford. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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How to Safely and Effectively Control Beavers on Your Property
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Facts About Wildlife Control For Nuisance Muskrats

Facts About Wildlife Control For Nuisance Muskrats

Wildlife control for muskrats is an important part of protecting your property from these pesky critters. Nuisance muskrats can cause extensive damage to lawns, gardens, and water systems by burrowing into the ground and chewing through vegetation. They also carry a number of diseases and parasites that can spread to humans and other animals if they are not properly controlled. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help reduce the risk of muskrats getting on your property and causing damage.

Continue below to learn what you can do to get rid of muskrats, safely and humanely, in Indiana.

For Muskrat Trappers in Indianapolis, Call 317-875-3099 Today.
For Licensed Muskrat Trappers in Indianapolis, Call 317-875-3099 Today.

Muskrat Removal and Control

The first step in wildlife control for muskrats is to make sure that any open areas near waterways or wetlands are fenced off. This will prevent them from coming onto your property in the first place. If you have spotted muskrats in your yard, you can use traps to capture and remove them from the area. Live-traps or lethal traps are available for purchase at most hardware stores or hunting supply outlets.

It is important that these traps be checked daily and any muskrats caught should be released far away from your property. Here in Indiana, it is strongly encouraged to hire a professional wildlife control company in Indianapolis that is licensed and insured to perform this kind of work. So, in short, do not try to trap muskrats on your own.

Muskrat Deterrents and Repellents

You can also make use of deterrents to discourage muskrats from coming onto your property. Repellents such as ammonia, garlic or hot pepper spray can be sprayed around the perimeter of your yard and along waterways. These smells are unpleasant for muskrats and will send them away. There are also other natural repellents such as mothballs or human hair clippings that can be used to keep muskrats away.

Environmental Modification

Finally, it is important to maintain a clean and well-maintained property to discourage muskrats from seeking out your yard as their home. Keep vegetation trimmed and picked up, particularly near water sources and wetlands. Remove any debris or areas of standing water that may be used as a food source. Also, periodically replace any netting or fencing around your yard to ensure it is still effective in keeping muskrats out.

Safe and Humane Muskrat Control

By following these steps, you can help reduce the risk of nuisance muskrats on your property and keep them from causing extensive damage. If you have any further questions about wildlife abatement for muskrats, don’t hesitate to contact your local Indianapolis animal removal and control service for help you can trust. Good luck dealing with these pesky critters!

You can skip the hassle of managing a nuisance muskrat problem on your own by hiring a critter removal professional to do it for you! Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured muskrat removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Muskrats
Facts About Muskrats to Protect Your Property From Damage
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How to Wash Your Dog if They are Sprayed By a Skunk

Skunks use their anal scent glands to protect themselves from predators. And since dogs are curious by nature, they are often victims of skunk dousing. The same situation applies to cats as well. Fortunately, there are tried-and-true ways to de-skunk your pooch if they ever cross the line with a defensive skunk.

Continue reading to learn one method that seems to do the trick for most pet owners, and what you can do about getting rid of nuisance skunks on your Tennessee property.

Skunk Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-337-9165
Skunk Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-337-9165

Why Do Skunks Spray?

Understanding why skunks spray can help you defend your pet from future attacks. You see, skunks have this built-in weapon as their last line of defense against predators. Mothering skunks are more likely to spray attack, however, any skunk that is provoked too much will spray to gain freedom or space from whatever it is that is provoking them. Dogs are “sniffers” and like to get to know other animals by smelling their rear sides; skunks do not like this behavior and consider it a threat, making dogs a common victim of skunk spray attacks.

Skunk Smell Composition

So, what is it that you smell on your dog? The oily liquid that comes out of the anal glands is a chemical compound called a thiol. In fact, there are multiple types of thiols that make up the chemical composition of their spray, two of which are the root cause of the signature skunk odor. Since it is oil-based, the odor can linger for a long time. Also, it requires a certain approach to completely remove it from pet fur.

What You Need to Get Rid of Skunk Smell on Fur:

▷ Baking Soda
▷ White Distilled Vinegar
▷ Liquid Hand Soap
▷ 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

Now Follow These Steps:

Check your dog’s eyes, mouth, and nose to ensure the spray has not come into contact in these areas. If they have, it can cause serious inflammation and irritation. Take your pooch to the vet right away if they were sprayed in these areas. Do not wait to clean them first. Your vet will also ensure that they were not bitten or scratched in addition to the spray attack.

If your dog’s eyes, mouth, and nose are okay, you can continue by thoroughly rinsing them with clean water. It is recommended to do this outdoors, NOT in a bathtub or shower. If you bring them indoors, the smell will come inside with them! It can be made worse if your pooch decides to jump on your bed or couch!

After the rinse, mix together 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of liquid hand soap (do not use detergent). Generously bathe your dog in the solution, and then rinse them clean with warm water. You may need to repeat this step 3 to 4 times, depending on the strength of the smell.

Once your pet dries, you can finish the job with a little pet perfume, available at any local pet store. Or you can get their hair trimmed to remove any lingering, odorous fibers. For really strong, lingering smells, you can finish their fur with some natural essential oil, like lavender or lemon. Just put a few drops in a spray bottle with water, and then spray their coat while avoiding the eyes and nose.

Are you tired of the nuisance skunk activity on or around your property? Take action by safely diverting their interest away from your premises with our help! Contact us at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured Nashville, TN critter control for skunks and more. We serve commercial clients, too!  

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What You Need to Know About Skunk Spraying
Common Household Ingredients That Will Repel Nuisance Wildlife
How to Protect Your House From Nuisance Wildlife in Tennessee

The Average Cost of Raccoon Removal Service

Continue below to learn what you need to know about hiring a professional critter control service to get rid of raccoons, including how much it might cost and who to trust for exceptional raccoon removal in Central Indiana.

Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal Service 317-875-3099
Indianapolis IN Raccoon Removal Service 317-875-3099

Raccoons are a Common Nuisance Species in Indiana

Raccoons will use just about any space they can access for shelter, both inside or outside of a dwelling. Common areas include hollowed trees and tree trunks, barns, sheds, garages, attics, crawl spaces, porches, patios, decks, walls, roofs, and even pet houses, tree houses, and jungle gyms. Raccoons will seek out these areas for warm and dry shelter, safety from predators, and secure breeding.

The problem with sharing your property with raccoons, whether residential or commercial, is the damage they cause, but more so, the transmissible diseases and pests their presence can spread to both humans and pets.

Cost Averages for Professional Raccoon Control Service

A do-it-yourself (DIY) raccoon control job will cost much less, but will not be as effective, or effective at all for that matter. The best method of protecting your property from destruction and danger posed by nuisance raccoons is to hire a licensed and insured Indianapolis wildlife control company for expert raccoon removal and control service.

They have the industry know-how and resources to safely extract raccoons, cleanup after them, restore attic insulation and drywall, and prevent wild animal intrusions in the future. They can provide all of these services in a time frame that is convenient for you, and at a reasonable cost.

Over-the-Phone Coaching – $300 Per Hour

Some companies offer written or oral instructions for animal identification and DIY removal, but this is NOT recommended. Many professional wildlife removal companies will offer free raccoon removal advice over the phone or via email.

Raccoon Extraction – $150 Service Fee – $75 to $250 Hourly

These rates fluctuate and largely depend on the company’s business model, the type of animal, the number of trips it requires, and the complexity of the project. Some companies charge flat rate fees for a certain type of animal and increase those fees for larger quantities. Basically, raccoon removal can cost anywhere from $100 to $1000, depending on the circumstances.

Infestation Cleanup and Decontamination – $150 to $500 (or More)

Depending on the amount of damage and risk, the cost of raccoon cleanup and sanitation will vary.

Animal Damage Restoration – $300 to $2,000 (or More)

Some companies offer minor restoration services for raccoon damages, such as insulation replacement and drywall repair. But the cost for these services varies depending on the extent of damages. It is best to hire a company for an estimate and compare estimates for the best overall deal.

Do you have a nuisance raccoon problem around your home or business? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed wildlife removal services for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout the central part of the state.

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Current Efforts to Reduce Rabies in U.S. Racoon Populations
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Budget Animal Removal

Where to Get Affordable Infestation Cleanup Services in Indianapolis

Many homeowners are not aware of just how destructive wildlife infestations can be. Whether they have targeted the attic, crawl space, porch, or patio, an animal infestation will result in a large, hazardous mess. Structural damages and unsanitary conditions left behind from droppings, rotting food, garbage, nests, and more, can generate a massive amount of damage. Not only does the mess need to be cleaned up and sanitized, but things like attic insulation and soiled floorboards will need repaired too.

So, who do you call for this kind of professional service? The answer is Budget Animal Removal in Indianapolis! Continue below to learn how we can restore your home or property back to its original condition before your nasty animal infestation ever happened.

Indianapolis Wildlife  Infestation Cleanup and Restoration
Indianapolis Wildlife Infestation Cleanup and Restoration 317-875-3099

Wildlife Removal for Bat, Raccoons, Squirrels and More!

When you have nuisance wildlife problems in Indianapolis, don’t let them take control of your property! Instead, trust the professionals at Budget Animal Removal for prompt and professional service at a fair price! We are staffed with a team of licensed and insured wildlife abatement specialists dedicated to quality, integrity, and customer support. We will ensure that your property remains sealed and protected against a wild range of target animal intrusions, including bats, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, and all other wildlife species native to Indiana.

Animal Infestation Cleanup in Indianapolis

If animals do get inside, Budget Animal Removal is here to help. Not only do we provide 24 hour emergency animal removal services for both residential and commercial clients, but we are also trained attic restoration specialists who can restore your interior space with our innovative animal cleanup and renovation services. We utilize top-quality equipment, products, and procedures, and retain decades of hands-on experience in the industry. This means you can trust that your home or business is in the hands of qualified professionals.

Fair Prices That Will Please You

As a locally-owned and operated business, we understand the true value of a dollar. This is why we are committed to maintaining fair and honest rates that are affordable to all. And with more than 30 years of experience in the wildlife abatement and removal industry, you can trust Budget Animal Removal for the highest level of professionalism and long-lasting results.

Are you ready to get rid of the nuisance animal problem on your property? Or perhaps cleanup after a recent infestation? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 to request a free estimate or on-site evaluation for animal cleanup and restoration in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Information About Attic Restoration After an Animal Infestation
How to Remove a Dead Animal From Your House
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Budget Animal Removal

How to Protect Your House From Nuisance Wildlife in Tennessee

With the first day of spring already behind us now, these recent warm weather changes here in Nashville are guaranteed to bring out the local nuisance wildlife in your area. So be sure your home is protected against destructive animals before it’s too late. Continue reading to learn exactly what you need to do to stop nuisance wildlife from damaging your property in Tennessee.

Nashville Tennessee Critter Control 615-337-9165
Nashville Tennessee Critter Control 615-337-9165

Nashville Tennessee Critter Control Advice

Nuisance wildlife can cause a long list of structural damages to the inside and outside of your home. They can also pose a long list of safety hazards and health risks, such as viruses, diseases, parasites, and more. Nuisance animals are not something you want on your property, so it is necessary to do what it takes to ensure your house is protected against such damages. Your duties will include environmental modifications, inspections, and professional wildlife intervention.

Environmental Changes Around Your House

Your first step to thwarting nuisance wildlife activity on and around your property is to make all the necessary and recommended environmental changes. Such modifications will reduce your premise’s appeal to nuisance animals, like raccoons, squirrels, and opossum. To accomplish this, remove all food and water sources that are outside of your house. This includes pet bowls, animal food, bird baths, Koi ponds, and even garbage.

It is important to always take your garbage out on the morning of trash collection day; never leave it outside, overnight unless you want uninvited critters rummaging through it all. If you must leave your garbage receptacles outside, use lid locks to discourage access. Furthermore, you will need to secure any outdoor gardens you will have growing, but this can wait until yields begin to turn come spring.

Property Inspection and Sealing

Animals can find ways inside the house if such access points exist. Bats can squeeze through an opening as little as 3/8ths of an inch, which means access points are bound to exist somewhere. It is vital to have your home inspected for such vulnerabilities, especially if your home has not had any work done to it for several years.

Areas like crumbling mortar, rotted siding, loose roof shingles, torn screens, and more, are all possible access points for nuisance wildlife. A professional Nashville wildlife control company can provide a full-property inspection and seal up any openings or vulnerable spots. Have this service done before spring emerges to ensure your house is fully-protected against costly animal damages.

Are nuisance animals causing problems on or around your property in Nashville, TN? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured Nashville, Tennessee critter control you can afford. We also provide cleanup and repair for animal damages and infestations.

You Should Also Read:

What To Do if You Find a Dead Animal in the Yard
3 Ways to Protect Your Bird Feeders From Squirrels and Chipmunks
How to Scare Raccoons Off Your Property in Tennessee

Tennessee Wildlife Removal and Control 615-337-9165
Tennessee Wildlife Removal and Control 615-337-9165