Squirrels in Your Attic: A Guide to Safe and Humane Animal Removal

Discovering that squirrels have made themselves at home in your attic can be a frustrating and concerning experience for any homeowner or property manager. The pitter-patter of little feet at first provides a quaint, woodland charm to the home’s atmosphere, but it quickly turns into a nightmare when the adorable intruders start chewing through your wiring or causing structural damage. This guide is designed to help you not only handle the immediate issue but do so with respect for the safety, well-being, and legal status of these commonly misunderstood creatures.

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Squirrel Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Squirrel Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Why are Squirrels an Issue in Attics?

Squirrels are crafty creatures, known for their agility and acumen. When they choose to set up camp in your residence, they’re usually not looking for trouble – just a cozy spot to call home. However, the consequences of their presence can be far-reaching, from the immediate dangers of electrical fires to the long-term implications of compromised housing insulation. While the urge to handle the situation swiftly is understandable, it’s crucial to remember that ensuring the safety of the animals and maintaining compliance with wildlife regulations are just as important.

The first step in resolving a squirrel infestation is identifying that it’s happening. This might seem straightforward, but signs of these nimble critters can be subtle. Once you’re confident that squirrels are the issue, employing safe and humane removal techniques should be your next priority. Understanding the relevant legal and ethical considerations is also vital, as it ensures that your actions are responsible and provide a framework for future interactions with wildlife.

Identifying Squirrel Infestation

Squirrel infestations are often first noted by scratching or scurrying sounds in the attic or chimney. You might also hear the animals vocalizing. Physical signs include damage caused by chewing, nesting materials such as shredded insulation, and droppings. Squirrels often enter buildings in search of shelter and a place to raise young, making your attic an ideal spot.

Sounds and Noises – One of the most tell-tale signs of a squirrel infestation is the sound of the animals moving around, particularly at dawn and dusk when they’re most active. They’re loud, and hearing them move is often the first indicator of their presence.

Damage – Squirrels have sharp teeth and are known to gnaw through wood, electrical wiring, and even PVC plumbing. This kind of damage poses both safety and structural risks.

Droppings and Odors – Accumulating droppings and the urine of these animals can lead to foul smells and can also pose health risks to the indoor air quality of your home.

Nesting Material – Squirrels build nests out of any material they can find, and your attic’s insulation and materials may be used to create these homes, leading to further structural and safety issues within the space.

Safest Squirrel Removal Techniques

Once you’ve confirmed a squirrel infestation, it’s critical to remove them safely. This is a task best handled by professionals. Licensed and insured wildlife removal companies not only have the expertise to handle the animals without harm, but they also have a suite of tools and techniques to ensure the removal is complete and permanent. Professional squirrel removal services are also well-versed in local wildlife regulations and will act in accordance with them, ensuring that your squirrel removal is legal. Furthermore, they will be equipped to deal with any biohazards created by the infestation.

Risks of DIY Animal Removal

When dealing with wildlife, you enter a different legal category than in simple pest prevention. Various local and national regulations exist to protect animals, and it’s important to understand the laws in your area so that you remain in compliance. DIY removal is risky for both humans and the animals. Squirrels can carry diseases such as rabies, and inexperienced individuals are more likely to be exposed to dangers during trapping and removal.

Recommended Squirrel Control Measures

Respect for animal welfare should guide all your interactions with wildlife. The goal is not just to remove the immediate problem but to ensure that the squirrels are unharmed in the process and that the solution is a humane one. With that being said, prevention is often more effective and less hassle than cure. In the case of nuisance squirrels, control measures can deter these creatures from considering your property as a potential nesting site.

Seal Entry Points

After the squirrels are gone, it’s essential to seal entry points. Carefully inspect your home’s exterior, looking for gaps and openings through which a squirrel might enter. Seal these up with the appropriate materials to prevent future access. Regularly inspect your home’s exterior for new entry points. Remember, squirrels and other wildlife are persistent and opportunistic, and a small breach could be their way in.

Remove Attractants

The primary reason squirrels are attracted to your home is the presence of food or the potential for shelter. Store food securely and ensure there are minimal hiding spots like overgrown vegetation near the home. You may want to invest in squirrel baffles for bird feeders and other areas you don’t want them climbing.

Squirrel Repellents

Natural wildlife repellents can discourage squirrels from the immediate vicinity. These include things like hot pepper sprays, putrescent egg crumbles, castor oil, or even predator urine, but their effectiveness may vary.


A squirrel infestation in your attic is a disruptive event, but it is one that can be effectively and humanely resolved with the right approach. By acting responsibly and proactively, you can ensure the safety of both your home and the wildlife that might otherwise cause you trouble. Understanding your rights, the animals’ needs, and the most effective removal and prevention methods creates the foundation for a safe living environment for all parties involved.

Remember, while squirrels may be a nuisance to you, they’re neighbors in their own right, living in the very nature we strive to conserve. Treating them with respect as you address the situation not only aligns with ethical practices but also sets a positive example for the sustainable management of our shared environment.

Should you discover squirrels in your attic, don’t panic. Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured squirrel removal service in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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