A Comprehensive Guide to Opossum Removal

Opossums often earn the dubious accolade of being North America’s only marsupial but ask any homeowner and they’ll tell you that unique designation hardly makes these nocturnal creatures welcome in their homes. With their well-documented tendency to seek warmth and shelter in attics, garages, and crawl spaces, the opossum can swiftly transform from an intriguing backyard specter into a not-so-welcome household invader.

Whether you’re startled to find one rummaging through your garbage cans or have become all too familiar with the sounds of scurrying feet in your ceiling, the need for opossum removal can quickly become a priority for many property owners. But how does one effectively and humanely deal with these creatures who sometimes seem just as baffled by their location as you are disgruntled by their presence?

In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore the world of opossums from the inside out, discover the tell-tale signs of an infestation, assess the effectiveness of DIY control methods versus professional services, and discuss the ongoing animal-proofing strategies that will keep these critters at arm’s length.

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Opossum Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Opossum Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Opossum Behavior

Before you can successfully evict an opossum from your property, it helps to comprehend their habits and preferences. Opossums, being primarily nocturnal, can often go unnoticed until their nighttime ramblings bring them into the range of your floodlight or under the glow of your kitchen window.

Nocturnal Habits

Their night-centric lifestyle is not merely a matter of preference; it’s a survival strategy. Opossums have a lower body temperature than most mammals, and nighttime activities help conserve energy. This means that when you’re winding down for the day, they’re just warming up for a night of foraging.

Diet Preferences

Opossums are omnivores, with a diet that spans the full smorgasbord of the living and the dead. Their culinary inclinations are broad enough to include insects, fruits, vegetables, small mammals, and carrion. This adaptability is one reason why they’ve managed to spread across a wide variety of habitats.

Nesting Areas

When the lights are out and the world is sleeping, opossums are in pursuit of a secure place to call home. They’ll seek out abandoned burrows or opt to create their own dens to rear their young (called joeys). This nesting behavior is what often leads them into human habitations.

Signs of Opossum Infestation

Are you unknowingly playing host to a marsupial squatter? Here are some key signs that you might be sharing your space with an opossum.

Visual Identification

Seeing an opossum skulking around your yard at night is one thing, but it’s their presence inside your home that often causes the most concern. Since they’re largely nocturnal, catching a glimpse of one during the day could indicate they’ve found a cozy place to rest in an unused area of your property.

Noises and Tracks

The sounds of opossum activity can vary, but commonly include scratching, scuttling, and gnawing. Thumping sounds could also mean an opossum is clumsily navigating your attic or walls. When it comes to tracks, opossums have distinctive five-toed prints on each foot, easily identifiable if you can catch a glimpse of undisturbed dust or dirt.

Damage to Property

Opossums can be surprisingly heavy-footed and destructive, especially if they feel cornered or threatened. They might tear up insulation for nesting material, chew through electrical wires, or accidentally knock over items as they attempt to make their way through your home’s interior.

DIY Opossum Control Methods

If your property is opossum-prone, there are some tactical and preventative opossum control measures you can take to dissuade their interest.

Securing Trash Cans

One of the most accessible food sources for an opossum is your trash. Using bins with tight-fitting lids or even latching lids can prevent access to a readily available buffet.

Sealing Entry Points

Do a thorough inspection of your home, looking for any gaps or openings that an opossum could use for entry. Remember, these critters are quite agile and can squeeze through surprisingly small gaps.

Using Animal Repellents

There are various non-toxic animal repellents you can deploy to keep opossums at bay. These range from pungent sprays to ultrasonic devices that emit a sound only animals can hear.

Professional Possum Removal Services

When the problem seems to be out of your hands or potentially dangerous, it’s time to outsource professional wildlife removal services.

Benefits of Hiring a Wildlife Removal Company

Professional services bring a wealth of experience and the proper tools to the job, ensuring the responsive yet cautious removal of opossums. Many of these services are also well-versed in local regulations regarding wild animal handling.

Risks Associated with DIY Possum Removal

Opossums can carry pathogens and parasites, and if they feel threatened, they might bite or attack in defense. Attempting to remove them without the proper training can put you at risk of disease or injury.

Animal Proofing Measures

Prevention is often the best cure, so once your opossum dilemma has been resolved, it’s time to take measures to keep them from coming back.

Maintenance Tips

Keep your property in good repair, fixing any damage to the exterior that could provide entry for opossums. This includes repairing fences, sealing gaps, and securing access points to basements, attics, and crawl spaces.

Landscaping Considerations

Opossums are attracted to areas with a dense cover, such as overgrown shrubs and wood or brush piles. By keeping your landscaping tidy, you reduce the allure of your yard as a potential opossum residence.

Ongoing Vigilance

Regular inspections and maintenance of your property can catch potential opossum issues before they become full-blown problems.


Removing opossums from your property can be a challenging task, but with the right knowledge and proactive approach, it’s entirely feasible. Quick action is key, as opossums are clever survivors, and the longer they remain on your property, the more challenging their removal can become. By understanding their habits, recognizing the signs of infestation, and taking appropriate control measures, you’ll be equipped to handle the situation effectively. Whether you choose to tackle the problem alone or seek professional assistance, the goal remains the same: to restore your home to a peaceful, opossum-free state.

Hopefully this blog post has helped provide useful information on nuisance possum issues. Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured opossum removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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