World Rabies Day: Understanding and Preventing This Deadly Disease

September 28th, marked as World Rabies Day, serves as a global reminder of the efforts taken to eradicate this deadly disease. Despite being 100% preventable, rabies continues to claim numerous lives each year.

This blog aims to raise awareness about the disease’s symptoms, the importance of the rabies vaccine, and the prevention measures everyone should be aware of. By understanding the threat and taking appropriate steps, we can contribute to the worldwide goal of Rabies: Zero by 2030.

Indianapolis Critter Control Near Me
World Rabies Day – September 28th

Let’s Celebrate World Rabies Day By Spreading Knowledge

What is Rabies?

Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system and can be transmitted from animals to humans. It is mostly caused by bites or scratches from infected animals, such as dogs, bats, raccoons, foxes, skunks, and coyotes. Once the virus enters the body, it travels through the nerves towards the brain and spinal cord, leading to inflammation and eventually causing death.

Symptoms of Rabies

The initial symptoms of rabies can be vague, making it challenging to diagnose in the early stages. However, as the disease progresses, symptoms become more severe and can include fever, headache, weakness, fatigue, anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, hydrophobia (fear of water), excessive salivation, and paralysis. It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if you have been bitten or scratched by an animal or experience any of these symptoms.

Rabies Treatment Options

Once symptoms appear, rabies is almost always fatal. That is why prevention is the best form of protection against this deadly disease. However, if you have been bitten or scratched by an animal, immediate medical attention is necessary. The doctor will thoroughly clean and disinfect the wound and administer a series of vaccines to prevent the virus from causing infection.

Importance of the Rabies Vaccine

The most effective way to prevent rabies is through vaccination. The rabies vaccine can protect individuals from contracting the virus and developing the disease, even after exposure. The World Health Organization recommends that all dogs, cats, and ferrets be vaccinated against rabies annually. Additionally, individuals who are at a higher risk of exposure to the virus, such as veterinarians and animal handlers, should also receive the vaccination.

Prevention Measures

Apart from getting vaccinated, there are other measures we can take to prevent rabies. Avoiding contact with wild or stray animals and teaching children to do the same is essential. If you come into contact with an animal, especially if it appears sick or acts strangely, seek medical attention immediately. Additionally, it is crucial to keep your pets up to date on their rabies vaccinations and not allow them to roam freely.

The Importance of Safe and Humane Wildlife Removal and Control Services

Wildlife is an essential part of our ecosystem and plays a crucial role in maintaining balance in the natural world. However, when wildlife starts encroaching on human habitats, it can become a nuisance and even pose safety risks. In such situations, it is important to understand the importance of safe and humane wildlife removal and control services.

 As human populations continue to expand, there is less space available for wildlife to thrive in their natural habitats. This leads to increased interactions between humans and wildlife, resulting in conflicts. Wildlife may damage property, spread diseases, or even attack humans or pets when they feel threatened. Removing nuisance animals from these situations can help prevent further damage and ensure the safety of both humans and animals. However, it is important to handle these situations carefully and humanely.

Join the Fight Against Rabies

As we observe World Rabies Day, let us remember that this disease is preventable, and we all have a part to play in eradicating it. By being aware of the symptoms and taking necessary precautions, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from this deadly disease. Let us join hands and strive towards Rabies: Zero by 2030. Together, we can make a difference! 

Would you like to learn more about protecting your premises against wild animal intrusions and threats? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured wildlife removal and control services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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Need Bat Removal? Here’s What You Need to Know

Discovering bats in your attic can be a startling, and indeed, a worrying experience. These creatures, though largely harmless, can carry diseases and their droppings can cause significant damage to your property. Moreover, their nocturnal habits can disrupt your peace. If you find yourself in this predicament, don’t panic.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about bat removal, from identifying signs of a bat infestation to steps for humane and effective bat control. We aim to provide you with the essential knowledge to manage these unwelcome guests and restore tranquility in your home.

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Indianapolis Bat Removal Service
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Indianapolis Bat Removal Service

Most Common Signs of a Bat Infestation

The most obvious kinds of signs that you have bats living in your attic is the sound of their wings flapping and squeaking at night. Bats are nocturnal creatures, so they’ll be active during the night hours when you’re likely to be asleep. However, if you do happen to wake up or look outside during the evening, you might also see bats flying around your property.

In addition to these signs, you might also spot piles of guano (bat droppings) scattered in your attic or other parts of your house. Bat droppings can be hazardous and can cause respiratory illness and even blindness if inhaled. If you suspect that you have an infestation, make sure to take precautions by wearing a respirator and rubber gloves, and then call a professional for bat removal.

Humane Bat Control

The first step in effective bat control is sealing up your home to prevent the bats from entering. This can be done by inspecting your attic and exterior walls for gaps or cracks and then caulking them shut. Make sure to keep your doors and windows shut as well.

Once you’ve sealed off the entry points, you’ll need to set up a bat house near your home. This will provide the bats with an alternative place to live, thus discouraging them from returning to your property. The bat house should be placed at least 12 feet away from your home in order for the bats to feel safe.

Finally, you should consider calling in a wildlife removal specialist who can help with bat removal humanely and efficiently. They will be able to identify the species of bat and determine the extent of infestation as well as provide advice on how best to deal with it.

Restoring Tranquility

Now that you know what to do about bat removal, it’s time to get started. Remember that the best way to deal with a bat infestation is by taking preventive measures like sealing up your home and using a bat house. Additionally, you can call in specialist for assistance. With these tips, you’ll be able to restore tranquility in your home and enjoy peaceful nights once again.

If you have any questions about bat removal, contact us today for more information. We are here to help! Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured bat removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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A Comprehensive Guide to Muskrat Removal and Control

Muskrats might look harmless, but their burrowing habits can cause significant damage to your property and pose a risk to your safety. If you’re dealing with a muskrat invasion, you need reliable and effective solutions.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on muskrat removal and control. Here, we will delve into proven methods of muskrat control, the use of muskrat repellent, and tips to prevent future muskrat infestations. Equipped with the right information, you can tackle muskrat issues promptly and efficiently.

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Muskrat Control in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Muskrat Control in Indianapolis Indiana

What is a Muskrat?

The muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) belongs to the rodent family and is found throughout North America. A large semiaquatic mammal, the muskrat can grow up to 2 feet in length and weigh over 4 pounds. They have thick fur with hues ranging from dark brown to yellow and black, webbed hind feet for swimming, and a long flat tail.

How to Identify a Muskrat Infestation

How to Identify a Muskrat Infestation Muskrats are social animals that prefer living in colonies with up to 12 members. Even if you don’t spot them scurrying about your property, the telltale signs of muskrat infestations include:

▷ Burrows or lodges near bodies of water
▷ Trails and pathways in the mud or soil
▷ Damaged crops, trees, and plants
▷ Uneaten fish or poultry near the water

Muskrat Control Methods

The most effective way to handle a muskrat problem is to implement control methods. Some of the most popular options include:

▶ Traps

Trapping is one of the most common methods of muskrat removal. Live traps should only be set and checked by licensed Indiana wildlife control operators like Budget Animal Removal. Moreover, traps should be placed in heavily damaged areas near waterbodies or burrows. Never attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill muskrats in Indiana – you could be penalized.

▶ Repellents and Deterrents

Repellent sprays are a good option for controlling muskrats since they create an unpleasant smell or taste in the surroundings that repels muskrats. Repellents can be used to both deter and remove muskrats from the infested areas, as well as prevent them from coming back.

▶ Fencing

Fencing is another effective way of preventing muskrat activity on your property. Installing a fence along the edge of ponds or other bodies of water can deter muskrats from entering, while also ensuring that your plants and crops are safe.

▶ Professional Wildlife Control

Lastly, of the most effective ways to get rid of muskrats is to hire a professional wildlife control company in Indianapolis. Licensed and insured animal removal companies have the expertise and tools necessary to safely and effectively remove these creatures while preventing them from returning in the future. These services are crucial for maintaining a healthy ecological balance while also keeping communities safe.

Muskrat Prevention Tips

The best defense against muskrats is prevention. Here are some tips you can follow to keep them away:

▷ Keep your yard and garden well-maintained.

▷ Maintain a clean landscape around the pond or waterbody.

▷ Repair or replace damaged fences, gates, and screens that can give muskrats access to your property.

▷ Avoid feeding ducks, geese, swans, and other animals near bodies of water, as it can attract muskrats.

▷ Avoid leaving food around your property, as it might attract muskrats.

▷ Remove all water sources from your yard to prevent muskrat infestations.

▷ Repellents or baits on the property line can also help discourage muskrats from entering.

▷ With these tips in mind, you can keep muskrats away from your property and enjoy a safe, pest-free environment.

By using the right techniques and applying proper prevention methods, you can ensure that your home is safe from damage caused by muskrats. Start by contacting Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured muskrat removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana, and surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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Smell No More: Your Comprehensive Guide to Skunk Removal

Dealing with an unwanted skunk can be a daunting task that leaves you searching for effective skunk removal solutions. From the notorious smell they emit to the destruction they can cause in your garden, skunks are not your ideal neighbors.

But worry not! This comprehensive guide aims to enlighten you with proven skunk control techniques and methods to eliminate that pungent skunk smell for good. As you read on, you will gain a confident grasp on how to handle these black and white nuisances, turning your ‘skunked’ experiences into a thing of the past. Let’s delve right in!

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Skunk Control in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Skunk Control in Indianapolis Indiana

The Problem With Nuisance Skunks

Many homeowners across America have experienced the unpleasantness of dealing with nuisance skunks. While these furry creatures may look cute, their presence can cause many problems. Skunks can dig holes in yards and gardens, damage property, and spread disease. However, perhaps the most notorious issue is their potent odor. Skunks release a powerful musk when they feel threatened, and the stench can linger for weeks. Thankfully, there are solutions to skunk control, such as traps and repellents. It’s important to address skunk damages as soon as possible to prevent further harm and avoid the displeasure of their infamous odor.

Skunk Control Tactics

The best way to tackle a skunk problem is by preventing it from occurring in the first place. Utilizing effective deterrents, such as motion light sensors, automatic sprinklers, and noisemakers can help prevent skunks from residing in your property and scaring them off if they ever come too close. To further protect your home, clean your yard regularly to reduce potential hiding places, and check for holes or crevices in walls, foundations and other structures that may serve as entryways.

You can also try a homemade repellent, which can effectively repel skunks and prevent them from coming back. Made from natural ingredients, such as cayenne pepper, peppermint oil, or ammonia, homemade skunk repellent is easy to make and apply. By using this repellent, you can keep your property free from skunks and enjoy a longer-lasting solution to skunk control. You can also plant flowers in your yard that skunks hate, like thorny hedges.

Skunk Trapping and Removal

If you’re already dealing with a skunk infestation, then it’s important to take the right steps towards effective skunk removal. If there is an adult skunk present, then the safest way is to set up a humane live trap and relocate them far away from your home. It’s important to make sure you check local regulations on trapping and releasing animals as they vary from place to place. Here in Indiana, you must hire a licensed and insured wildlife removal company for the job. Attempting to trap, harm, poison, or kill skunks without the proper permits will result in civil and criminal penalties.

Skunk Odor Removal

The lingering skunk smell can be very persistent and hard to get rid of. To tackle this, you can utilize a combination of deodorizers and enzymes to help neutralize the odor in its entirety. First, start with using baking soda or white vinegar to absorb some of the smell from surfaces such as carpets and furniture. Then, follow up with an enzyme-based cleaner like Skunk Off to fully eliminate the scent molecules that cause the odor.

By following these tips and tricks, you can confidently take control of your skunk problem and rid yourself of that pesky smell for good! With a little bit of effort and guidance, you’ll be able to quickly regain the comfort of knowing your home is safe from unwanted pests like skunks.

Important Things to Remember

 Be sure to take all the necessary precautions when dealing with skunks, including wearing protective clothing and using gloves while trapping. If you ever have any doubts or questions about how to properly handle a skunk situation, contact your local animal control or wildlife expert for additional guidance. Remember that preventative measures are always more effective than reactive ones – so stay alert and keep your home safe!

Hopefully this guide has provided you with the confidence and insight to tackle any skunk related problem in a humane, effective way. Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured skunk removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We also work with all other species of wildlife native to Indiana, including squirrels. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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7 Tips for Controlling Groundhog Infestations

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks or whistle-pigs, are common pests in many parts of the United States. Whether you have a small infestation of groundhogs living under your porch or a large population on your property, controlling them can be challenging. With proper knowledge and techniques, however, it is possible to keep these critters away from your home and garden. Below are 7 tips for controlling groundhog infestations that will help you get started.

Call 615-337-9165 For Groundhog Control in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 615-337-9165 For Groundhog Control in Indianapolis Indiana

Nuisance Groundhog Damages and Threats

When it comes to nuisance groundhogs, the potential for extensive damage to property can be daunting. These critters may look harmless, but their burrows and tunneling can wreak havoc on lawns, gardens, and even building foundations. In addition to the physical damage, groundhogs can also pose a threat to pets and people. Their burrowing activity can create tripping hazards and weaken the structural integrity of outdoor structures. If you suspect a groundhog infestation on your property, it’s important to take action quickly before the damage becomes too extensive. Professional critter control services can help you safely and effectively remove these pesky animals and protect your property from further destruction.

How to Deter Groundhogs and Keep Them Off of Your Property

1. Identify the source of the infestation. Knowing where groundhogs are coming from is the first step in getting rid of them. Look around your property for signs such as burrows, droppings, and tracks. This will help you identify areas to focus on when setting up control measures.

2. Exclusion is key. Groundhogs dig long burrows that can provide access to your home or garden, so it’s important to make sure they can’t get in by sealing off potential entry points or installing barriers such as fencing or hardware cloth around your yard or garden beds.

3. Eliminate food sources that attract groundhogs. Make sure to keep pet food indoors, and keep your garden free of weeds, garbage, and other plant matter that groundhogs may find attractive.

4. Use a repellent to drive them away. There are a variety of commercial repellents available to try such as castor oil, putrescent egg, or coyote urine, which can be sprayed around the perimeter of your property or garden beds.

5. Trap the groundhogs humanely. If you have a smaller infestation, trapping is an effective way to get rid of them without harming the animals. Make sure to check local laws on trapping before attempting it yourself, as there may be restrictions in place in some areas.

6. Try scent-based deterrents. Non-toxic repellents can drive away groundhogs from your property. Moth balls, ammonia-soaked rags, and predator urine have all been known to be effective in keeping groundhogs away.

7. Hire a Licensed Wildlife Control Company. If the infestation is too large for you to handle yourself or if the problem persists after trying all of the above tips, it may be time to call in an expert wildlife control company for groundhog removal service. Professionals have access to more powerful tools and techniques that can help get rid of groundhog infestations quickly and effectively.

These 7 tips should help you get started with controlling groundhog infestations around your home or garden. Remember to take preventative measures such as sealing potential entry points and eliminating food sources to reduce the risk of future infestations. With the right knowledge and techniques, you can keep your property groundhog-free!

Are groundhogs becoming a nuisance around your residential or commercial property in Indiana? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured groundhog removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana you can afford. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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Deterring Nuisance Birds from Roosting in Unwanted Areas

Are you dealing with nuisance birds roosting in unwanted areas of your property? If so, you’re not alone. Birds can cause a lot of damage to buildings and other structures, as well as be carriers of various diseases. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to deter birds from roosting in these areas. By using bird control methods such as bird nest removal and installing effective bird deterrents, you’ll be able to keep the problem under control and protect your property from further damage.

In this blog post we’ll discuss some of the most effective ways for deterring nuisance birds from roosting in unwanted areas around your home or business. Continue reading to learn more!

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Bird Removal Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Bird Removal Service in Indianapolis Indiana

How to Get Rid of Birds and Bird Nests

Nuisance birds can be a frustrating and sometimes costly problem. Without proper measures, they can cause damage to property, leave unsightly droppings, and become a general annoyance. Thankfully, there are some ways you can effectively get rid of birds and bird nests. Here are some options to start with:

Bird Nest Removal

One of the most effective methods for deterring nuisance birds from roosting in unwanted areas is to remove their nests and nesting materials. By removing bird nests, you can make it difficult or impossible for them to rebuild in that location. However, this approach should be used with caution; some species of birds are protected by law and nest removal is not allowed. If you suspect a protected species is nesting on your property, contact local authorities before taking any action.

Bird Deterrents

Another method of deterring nuisance birds from roosting in unwanted areas is to install bird deterrents such as spikes and netting over vulnerable spots, visual deterrents such as scarecrows, sound devices that give off predator calls, or even ultrasonic devices. Netting can be placed over areas to make it difficult or impossible for birds to roost, while deterrents like sound devices can be used to frighten away birds or keep them out of an area.

Bird Repellent

There are a variety of bird repellent options available to help mitigate these issues. You can make your own non-toxic repellent recipe using some simple household and grocery store ingredients. By using these bird repellents, individuals and businesses alike can minimize unwanted bird activity and enjoy a cleaner, more peaceful environment.

Professional Bird Control

While it may be tempting to try and handle the problem on your own, the reality is that birds can proliferate quickly and cause significant damage to your property. A professional bird control service will have the expertise and tools necessary to safely and effectively remove the birds from your property and prevent them from returning. By choosing a professional, you can have peace of mind and feel confident that the nuisance birds are being handled properly.

Do Not Give Up on a Nuisance Bird Problem

These are just a few of the methods for deterring nuisance birds from roosting in unwanted areas around your property. If you find yourself dealing with this problem, contact a professional bird control company who specialize in bird abatement solutions and can help you find the best method for your situation. With the right approach and some patience, you’ll be able to keep nuisance birds away from your property and protect it from further damage. 

Are birds becoming a nuisance around your residential or commercial property in Indiana? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured bird removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana you can afford. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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The Definitive Guide to Muskrat Control

Muskrats can be a nuisance for homeowners, especially those who live near lakes and ponds where the animals like to make their homes. While these small rodents may seem harmless, they can cause major damage to property and crops. The best way to protect your home from muskrats is to take preventative measures or remove them with humane trapping methods.

This guide will provide you with detailed information about muskrat control, including how to identify them, ways of prevention, and safe removal techniques. With this knowledge in hand, you’ll be able to keep your home free from these pests!

Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Muskrat Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Muskrat Control in Nashville Tennessee

Muskrat Control Guide for Homeowners

Muskrat Identification

To start, it’s important to know how to identify muskrats. These small rodents have a brownish-gray fur coat and weigh up to 3 pounds. They are about 8 inches long with a thick, scaly tail. Muskrats can be found in shallow water near lakes, ponds, and streams or in marshes and wetlands. Knowing the signs of their presence–such as burrows by the edge of the water and damaged crops—will help you take action more quickly.

Muskrat Activity Signs

Once you’ve identified muskrats on your property, it is time to determine that muskrats are the real perpetrator. You can do this by looking for common signs of muskrat activity. One of the most distinct signs of muskrat activity is their distinctive cone-shaped lodges, which they build using vegetation, cattails, and reeds. These lodges usually have underwater entrances and provide muskrats with a safe place to rest and hide from predators.

Another way to tell if muskrats are active is to look for their characteristic semicircular feeding platforms, which they create by cutting and piling up vegetation near the water’s surface. Finally, muskrats also leave telltale signs of their presence in the form of mudslides near the banks of streams and ponds.

Muskrat Deterrents

Next comes muskrat controls. There are several methods that can be used for prevention and control. One way is to erect fencing made from fine mesh netting around gardens or other areas where the animals are likely to enter. You can also eliminate potential food sources, such as birdseed or pet food, and remove sheltering areas like piles of logs or debris.

Muskrat Removal Company

If prevention do-it-yourself muskrat control methods don’t seem to be working, you may need to hire a professional for muskrat removal and control. Calling a licensed and insured Nashville muskrat removal company can help ensure that these prodigious burrowers don’t encroach on your property any further. These highly trained animal control companies have the knowledge and expertise necessary to safely handle and relocate problem muskrats away from your property.

Highly adaptable as they are, experts will put measures into place to prevent future incursions from pests such as these. Protecting our homes from wildlife disturbance requires understanding behavior patterns, habitat requirements, and environmental impact–all attributes that modern animal removal companies possess. Don’t let a mischievous menagerie take control of your outdoor space; find a reputable service to guarantee peace of mind and tasty evening pastimes.

In conclusion

So, as you can see, muskrats can be a nuisance for homeowners and their property if not dealt with properly. The best way to protect your home from these pests is by taking preventative measures or humane trapping methods. By understanding how to identify them, eliminating potential food sources, and using live traps that use bait; you’ll be able to keep your home free from muskrats in no time! With this knowledge in hand, you should now have the confidence needed to take action against any future infestations of muskrats on your property.

Hopefully this blog post has helped provide useful information on muskrat identification and control methods. If you have any questions or concerns related to muskrats in your area, contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured Nashville, Tennessee animal removal, today.

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Preventing Raccoons from Entering Your Attic – Tips & Tricks

Raccoons are a common problem for many homeowners. Not only do they rummage through your garbage and eat your pet’s food, but they can also cause serious damage to your home by entering the attic and creating nests. Raccoon infestations in attics can be dangerous due to their sharp claws and teeth, so it is important to take steps to prevent them from getting into your space in the first place. Continue below for tips and tricks on how you can keep raccoons out of your attic!

Call 615-337-9165  if You Have Raccoons in the Attic in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-337-9165 if You Have Raccoons in the Attic in Nashville Tennessee

How to Stop Raccoons From Getting Inside the Attic

1. Securely Seal Gaps in Your Home: Raccoons can squeeze through small gaps and openings, so it is important to make sure that all of your doors, windows, vents, and other potential entry points are securely sealed with caulking or steel mesh. This will help keep them out of your attic and other areas of the home.

2. Install Raccoon Repellents: There are many types of repellents available on the market that can be used to prevent raccoons from entering your attic. These include sound-based repellents that emit a high-frequency noise when triggered; ultrasonic devices that produce a pulse of sound waves; motion activated lights that glare at the intruder; and scent-based repellents that use natural animal odors to repel the animals.

3. Hire a Professional Raccoon Removal Service: If you have a raccoon problem in your attic, it is important to hire a licensed and insured Nashville raccoon removal service to safely and humanely remove them from your premises. These services will also be able to check for other potential entry points and provide advice on how to better secure your home against future intrusions. They may also provide attic restoration and infestation cleanup services.

By following these simple tips and tricks, you can help prevent raccoons from entering your attic and create a safe environment for your family. If you suspect that you already have an infestation or need assistance with raccoon exclusion, make sure to contact experienced professionals who can help protect your home from these furry pests.

What to Look for in a Professional Raccoon Removal Service

Raccoons can be a nuisance in your home or business, and it’s important to get them removed as soon as possible. But finding the right professional raccoon removal service can be tricky. Not all services are created equal, so it’s important to do your research before choosing one.

Here is what you should look for when selecting a professional for wildlife control service:

Experience – The best way to make sure that the job will be done correctly is by hiring an experienced company with years of experience in raccoon removal and control. Ask about their success rate and how long they have been in business.

Reputation – Read reviews from previous customers online or ask friends and family for references if they’ve used a particular service before. That way you know exactly what kind of results you can expect from the company.

Quality Equipment – Make sure that the company uses top quality equipment to ensure safety during the process of removing any wild animals from your property. 4) Humane Practices – It’s also important to choose a company that practices humane methods when dealing with wildlife, such as trapping and releasing animals back into their natural habitat whenever possible instead of killing them off completely.

Insurance – Choose a service that is insured and licensed by the state to guarantee they are qualified to do the job. This protects you and all other parties from certain liabilities.

By taking into account these factors, you can be sure to find a professional raccoon removal service that will get rid of your problem in an efficient manner. Remember, it’s important to act quickly when it comes to raccoons as they can cause serious damage if not taken care of properly. With the right wildlife control company, you can rest assured that your home or business will be free from any unwanted guests soon enough.

Hopefully this blog post has given you some useful information on raccoon removal from attics and residential settings. But if you have any questions or concerns related to coons Nashville, Tennessee, contact the licensed and insured wildlife control operators at Budget Animal Removal, today. Dial 615-337-9165 to learn about our animal removal services for raccoons and more.

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How to Repel Raccoons With Strategic Gardening
Can I Contract an Infection From a Raccoon?
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10 Tips on How to Humanely Get Rid of Opossums

Do you have opossums living in or around your property? If so, you may be wondering how to humanely get rid of them. Opossums can cause a variety of problems, from digging up gardens and raiding trash cans to introducing parasites and other pests into your home. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to safely remove these animals from your property without causing them harm.

In this blog post, we discuss 10 tips for getting rid of opossums humanely. With the right knowledge and approach, it is possible to keep both yourself and the animals safe while ensuring that they don’t return again in the future. Continue below to delve in!

Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Opossum Removal and Control in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Opossum Removal and Control in Indianapolis Indiana

Opossum Removal and Control Tips You Need to Know

1. Block Them Out

Block off any possible entrances to your home or property. This is the first step in opossum control, as it will prevent them from coming back once they have been removed. Check around your foundation walls and chimneys for gaps or openings that an animal might be able to squeeze through, and seal these off with wire mesh or hardware cloth.

2. Remove All Food and Water Sources

Remove food sources that may attract opossums to your property. If you have pet food outside, garden produce, compost piles, bird feeders, or other edible items that could serve as a meal for an opossum family, make sure these are secured away where the animals can’t get to them.

3. Illuminate Active Areas

 Install lighting at night or motion-activated lights around your yard, as opossums are nocturnal and will be less likely to come onto your property if they know they can be seen.

4. Trap Them – (only if your state allows)

If your state allows non-permitted individuals to trap and relocate wildlife, you can attempt this method: Set up a live trap and bait it with something the animal will find irresistible – this could be anything from fruits and vegetables to pet food or fish. Once an opossum has been caught in the trap, you can relocate it away from your home using a carrying box or cage.

5. Deter Them With Repellent

Use repellents such as predator urine, mothballs, ammonia-soaked rags, or other smells that are unpleasant for opossums but won’t harm them. These should be placed near potential entry points, such as around your foundations or in your garden, to deter the animals from coming back.

6. Outsource Licensed Opossum Control

Call a professional Indianapolis wildlife removal company for opossum control services if all else fails. They will know how to humanely and safely remove opossums from your property without putting you or them at risk.

7. Learn More About Nuisance Wildlife

Educate yourself on how to protect yourself against any diseases that opossums may carry – this includes washing your hands after handling anything that an opossum may have touched and wearing protective clothing when dealing with them directly.

8. Know the Law

Be aware of the laws governing the trapping and relocation of wildlife in your area, as some places may require permits for such activities or restrict where you can release relocated animals.

9. Stay On Top of Outdoor Maintenance

Take extra steps to prevent a recurrence of the problem. This may include eliminating any standing water sources around your property, sealing up any holes or cracks in your foundation walls that could provide entry for animals, and trimming back overhanging tree branches that may be providing shelter for opossums.

10. Implement an Animal Proofing Plan

Consider hiring a professional wildlife expert to assess your property and provide advice on how best to protect it against opossums in the future – this includes identifying potential entry points and recommending ways you can prevent their return once they have been removed from your home.

In Summary

By following these tips, you can humanely get rid of opossums from your property and keep them away for good! Remember to always use caution when dealing with wild animals, and if you’re ever uncertain of what to do, contact a professional wildlife removal service for assistance.

Are opossums becoming a nuisance around your residential or commercial property in Indiana? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured opossum removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

Related Posts:

Opossums Facts That Will Stop You in Your Tracks
Tips for Residential Opossum Control
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How to Find and Remove a Chipmunk Nest on Your Property

Are you dealing with a chipmunk infestation on your property? Chipmunks are small, yet very pesky rodents that can quickly take over your yard and cause significant damage. They dig deep burrows in the ground that can undermine foundations, destroy gardens, and ruin flowerbeds.

If you’re looking for an effective way to get rid of chipmunks from your property, this guide is for you! We’ll explain how to identify a chipmunk nest and provide step-by-step instructions on how to remove it safely. We will also share tips on how to prevent future infestations so that you don’t have to worry about these furry critters again!

Call 317-875-3099 for Chipmunk Control in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Chipmunk Control in Indianapolis Indiana

How to Locate Chipmunk Nests

First, you’ll need to identify the chipmunk nest. Look around your property for signs of the pesky critters – look for mounds of dirt near trees and other sources of food like bird feeders or garbage cans. You may also see them darting around in search of food during the day. Once you have located the nesting area, take some time to observe it from a safe distance before attempting to remove it.

How to Remove a Chipmunk Nest

Next, it’s important to prepare for removal. Wear thick gloves and protective clothing when attempting this task as chipmunks can be very aggressive when cornered. You’ll also want to get rid of any potential food sources that may attract more chipmunks to your property in the future.

Finally, use a shovel or other tool to carefully remove the nest and any debris associated with it. Place the material in a sealed bag and dispose of it properly. Once the chipmunk nest has been removed, fill in the remaining hole with dirt and lay down some strong-smelling deterrents like peppermint oil or cayenne pepper to keep chipmunks away from your property.

Choose Professional Chipmunk Removal Services for Lasting Results

If you’re dealing with a chipmunk infestation in or around your home, it’s important to take action quickly to get rid of them. Hiring a professional Indianapolis wildlife control company is the best way to ensure that the job gets done right and that the chipmunks are removed safely and humanely from your property. The benefits of hiring a professional critter control service for chipmunk removal are numerous.

First, these companies have trained animal removal experts who know how to identify signs of an infestation as well as the most effective methods for trapping, exterminating, and removing them from your home or business. They also understand what needs to be done in order to mitigate any future issues with chipmunks entering your property again.

Additionally, these services often use humane traps that don’t cause the animals to suffer during capture and release processes, but still ensure they won’t return later on down the line. In addition, many offer preventative measures and mole controls, such as sealing up potential entry points into buildings or installing fences around outdoor areas where chipmunks might try to gain access again in the future.

Get Rid of Chipmunks For Good

Taking these steps will help you get rid of chipmunks quickly and effectively! For more information on chipmunk removal and control, contact a DNR licensed and insured wildlife control company in Indianapolis for assistance. They can provide you with expert advice and tips on how to keep pesky critters away for good. They can also provide professional chipmunk trapping and removal services, as well as chipmunk nest damage repair and cleanup.

Are you at your breaking point trying to rid your property of nuisance chipmunks? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured chipmunk removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We also work with all other species of wildlife native to Indiana, including squirrels. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

Related Posts:

Chipmunk Facts That Will Help You Protect Your Home and Garden
How to Get Rid of Nuisance Chipmunks
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