Dead Animal Removal 101: Protecting Your Property and Health

The unfortunate discovery of a dead animal on your property is not merely a nuisance; it poses significant risks to health and the environment. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn the importance of prompt dead animal removal, how to identify the presence of a dead animal, health risks and legal obligations, DIY removal procedures, the value of professional services, and how to prevent future incidents. Arm yourself with the knowledge to act swiftly and responsibly when confronted with this unpleasant situation.

Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed and Insured Dead Animal Removal Service in Nashville TN
Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed and Insured Dead Animal Removal Service in Nashville TN

The Urgency of Dead Animal Removal

The presence of deceased fauna on your property is more than a mere inconvenience. It can lead to severe health risks, foul odors, and pests. Immediate action is crucial, not only for your well-being but also for your property’s integrity. Dead animal carcasses can attract scavengers, lead to bio-hazard contamination, and signify an infestation within your premises. It’s imperative to understand that delaying the removal process can exacerbate these issues, inferring more costly and complex solutions further down the line.

Potential Health Hazards

Leaving a dead animal unattended opens the door to numerous health dangers. Bacterial infections such as salmonella, leptospirosis, and even the potentially fatal hantavirus are risks associated with the handling or close proximity to these carcasses. These risks multiply when the dead animal is indoors, sharing spaces where food is prepared and absence of proper ventilation can lead to toxic fume buildup.

Preventing Property Damage and Ongoing Infestation

The decomposition process produces potent odors and can attract a variety of pests, from insects to larger scavengers, who may then attempt to access the interior of your property. In addition, when left unchecked, the site of the deceased animal can become a breeding ground for disease vectors and slowly seep into your property’s structure, inflicting irreparable damage.

Identifying a Deceased Animal on Your Property

Awareness is key in this instance; spotting a dead animal quickly is the first step in the removal process. A deceased animal can often be identified through various signs – visually witnessing a dead creature, an unexplained odor, or an increase in pest activity.

Common Indicators of a Dead Animal

A sudden unpleasant smell in a specific area of your property, pest activity, or even the sight of the animal itself can signal its demise. For indoor inspections, if the stench is accompanied by a fast-spreading visible odor, the proximity to that area will often lead to the direct source of the problem. For the outdoors, follow trails of scavengers like flies or vultures to locate the carcass.

Locations to Inspect for Deceased Animals

Both the indoors and outdoors of your property provide potential hiding places for a dead animal. The attic, inside walls, or beneath floorboards are typical indoor hiding spots, while the outdoor areas may include under decks, in garages, or beneath sheds. Regular checks in these areas are recommended to minimize the adverse effects of an undisclosed dead animal.

Safety and Legal Implications of Dead Animal Removal

The dangers of an undiscovered dead animal extend beyond the immediate risks to vast legal implications. Health risks range from bacterial infections to potent pathogens and must be managed with the utmost care. Further, Tennessee has stringent laws governing the removal of dead animals, and non-compliance can lead to fines and, in extreme cases, legal action.

Health Risks

The risks run the gamut from physical injury during removal to life-threatening zoonosis. The environment surrounding the carcass can also introduce toxigenic molds, create respiratory issues, and pose general occupational hazards. It is essential to consider not only your own direct exposure but the well-being of any occupants or visitors to your property.


Tennessee laws protect against the spread of disease and maintain the overall health of the state’s communities. Dead animal handling is rigidly enforced to prevent a public hazard, and failure to adhere to these laws constitutes a violation that can result in a citation.

DIY Dead Animal Removal: Step-by-Step Guide

For smaller deceased animals, one safe and effective removal is attainable with the right approach. By following these steps, you can manage the situation without exposure to health hazards.

Handling the Carcass

To begin, you need to gather essential safety equipment, which includes gloves, face mask, and a sturdy trash bag. Next, identify the deceased animal’s location and ensure no other immediate risks exist in the area. Using a shovel or tongs, carefully pick up the animal and place it in the bag. Once securely sealed, dispose of the bag in the appropriate waste receptacle.

Safety Precautions and Gear

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is non-negotiable when dealing with deceased wildlife. It serves as a barrier against direct contact or inhalation of potentially hazardous substances. Avoid direct handling of the animal with your bare hands; instead, use designated tools for the task. Post-removal, thoroughly wash and disinfect the area and any equipment used.

Professional Dead Animal Removal Services

There are instances where the experience or potential risk may be too high for an individual to handle. In these cases, professional animal removal services are an invaluable resource. If the size or condition of the dead animal is beyond your comfort level, enlist the expert services of a professional. This may include larger animals or those in advanced stages of decay that present a greater bio-hazard threat.

When selecting a provider, consider their experience, certifications, and customer feedback. Verify that any potential contractor carries the necessary insurance to cover any accidents or damages that might occur during the removal process.

Preventing Future Dead Animal Encounters

Prevention is always superior to remediation. By taking proactive measures, you can reduce the probability of dead animal incidents on your property. Regular maintenance, sealing entry points, and awareness of signs of nuisance wildlife presence can help reduce the potential for future dead animal incidents. By staying informed of local wildlife habits and seasonal patterns, you can preemptively mitigate risk factors.

Develop a routine inspection schedule to catch potential problems early. Check both indoor and outdoor areas in accordance with seasonally appropriate times and observe any changes in your surroundings. Remember, recurring diligence is your best defense.

Final Thoughts

Prompt dead animal removal is essential to your property’s health, integrity, and compliance with the law. The process need not be as daunting as it first seems when approached with preparation, knowledge, and if need be, professional assistance. Be proactive in protecting your property and the well-being of everyone within it by staying well-informed and acting decisively.

Remember, dead animal removal is not an isolated task; it’s a vital part of your property’s ongoing health management. Prioritize vigilance and swift action, and in doing so, you maintain a safe and welcoming environment for yourself and others.

For those requiring professional dead animal removal services in Tennessee, we encourage you to reach out to our reputable and experienced wildlife removal and control team. Contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured dead animal removal, animal infestation cleanup, and more. We also serve commercial properties and multi-housing complexes.

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What to Do if You Find a Dead Animal in Your Yard

Welcome to our blog where we discuss all things related to wildlife control and animal removal. Today’s topic is one that many homeowners unfortunately have to deal with at some point – finding a dead animal in their yard. It can be a distressing sight, and you may not know what steps to take next. That’s why we’re here to provide you with information on what to do if you find a dead animal in your yard.

Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Dead Animal Removal Service in Indianapolis
Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Dead Animal Removal Service in Indianapolis

Dead Animal Removal Guide

Assess the Situation

The first step is to assess the situation and determine if it is safe for you to handle the dead animal yourself. If the animal is large, such as a deer or coyote, or has been there for a while, it’s best to call a professional wildlife control company for assistance. They have the equipment and expertise to handle these situations safely. If the animal is small, like a bird or squirrel, you can proceed with caution. Wear gloves and use a shovel or other tool to carefully remove the animal from your yard.

Contact Your Local Authorities

It’s important to report any dead animals you find in your yard to your local authorities. They may need to collect the animal for Rabies testing if it appears to have died from a disease or virus. This is especially important if you have pets that may come into contact with the dead animal.

Proper Disposal

Once the animal has been safely removed, it’s important to dispose of it properly. Do not bury the animal in your yard, as this can attract other animals and spread disease. Instead, contact your local Indiana wildlife control company for instructions on how to properly dispose of the animal.

Clean and Disinfect the Area

After the dead animal has been removed, it’s important to clean and disinfect the area where it was found. This will help prevent any potential diseases or parasites from spreading. Use a mixture of bleach and water to thoroughly clean the area, and wear gloves while doing so.

How to Prevent Wildlife Encounters on Your Property

1. Identify the Species

The first step in abating nuisance wildlife is to identify the species that is causing the problem. This can be done by looking for physical evidence such as droppings, tracks, or nests. It is also important to understand the behavior of the animal so that effective solutions can be implemented.

2. Exclusion

Exclusion is a method of abating nuisance wildlife that involves blocking off access to areas where they are causing problems. This can be done by repairing holes in walls and roofs, installing fencing around gardens and yards, and using screens on windows and doors.

3. Repellents

Repellents are another option for abating nuisance wildlife. These products use scents or tastes that animals find unpleasant in order to deter them from entering an area or consuming food sources. Repellents are available in many forms including sprays, granules, and electronic devices.

4. Trapping

Trapping is a more aggressive method of abating nuisance wildlife that involves physically removing animals from an area using traps or snares. This should only be done under the guidance of a licensed and insured wildlife control professional as it requires knowledge of animal behavior and local regulations regarding trapping animals.


Finding a dead animal in your yard is never a pleasant experience, but by following these steps, you can handle the situation safely and prevent any potential health hazards. Remember to always assess the situation before attempting to handle the animal yourself, contact your local authorities, properly dispose of the animal, and take precautions to prevent future incidents. And if you need assistance with wildlife control or animal removal, don’t hesitate to call a professional for help. Stay safe and keep your yard free from unwanted visitors.  So next time you find a dead animal in your yard, you’ll know exactly what to do.

Are animals like squirrels, skunks, birds, and raccoons becoming a nuisance around your residential or commercial property? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured wildlife control services in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. We guarantee to fit your budget for safe wildlife control. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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Top 3 Signs That There is a Dead Animal Close By

A dead animal is essentially a rotting carcass full of evolving bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous microorganisms. If you ever spot a dead animal carcass, whether a small bird or a roadside buck, it is important to keep clear and if necessary, notify the proper wildlife and gaming authorities in town. Whether out on a walk in the neighborhood, trailing along your favorite community hiking path, biking in the park, or strolling within the boundaries of your own backyard, you may come across some common signs of a nearby dead animal. Although it is best to stay away from a dead animal, if you do come across one, you should know what to do.

Continue below to learn the top three signs that indicate the presence of a dead animal within your proximity, plus what to do if you come across one.

Nashville Dead Animal Removal 615-337-9165
Nashville Dead Animal Removal 615-337-9165

How to Tell if There is a Dead Animal in Range

A dead animal carcass produces a lingering, foul smell, as well as pest outbreaks and scavenger activity. If you spot one or more of these signs, you can safely assume there is a dead animal carcass somewhere, close within range.

Dead Animal Smell

The most distinctive and distinguishable sign of a nearby dead animal is the smell. If you have ever smelled rotten meat, you have come close to experiencing the smell of a deceased carcass. Imagine that smell, but 100 times more putrid. Once you have smelled dead animal smell, you will never forget the odor. Furthermore, the smell can travel quite a distance, up to 20 feet or more, often making it the first noticeable sign of a nearby dead animal.

Pest Outbreaks

If you are out walking or biking, and you come across a massive swarm of insects or ants, it could very well be due to a nearby dead animal. Flies, gnats, and ants are common pest outbreaks that occur near or on a dead animal carcass. Flies lead to maggots, too. If you notice a large accumulation of insects or pests like these, you would not be far off to assume that there is a dead animal somewhere close by.

Scavenger Activity

A dead animal is a perfectly convenient meal for many other living ones. Animals like rats, crows, hawks, vultures, coyotes, and sometimes opossum are prevalent scavengers, and will quickly jump on the opportune meal if they cross paths with another dead animal. If you notice heightened activity of these scavenger species, they could be attracted to a carcass.

What to Do if You Find a Dead Animal

If you ever come across dead animal, just stop right there. Stay away from it. Do not attempt to touch it or use an object to move it. To be safe, maintain a 3 foot distance from the dead animal carcass. If you are out in nature, just leave it alone and let nature take its course. Dead animals play an important role in the Eco-system.

If the dead animal is on your property within areas frequented by people or pets, moving it is probably the best choice. You can choose to do this yourself by using dead animal relocation best practices, such as placing a shoe box on top, sliding the lid underneath to secure it, and burying it deep into the ground somewhere far away from your property. Or, you can hire professional dead animal removal services. The latter is strongly encouraged.

Are you having trouble taming the nuisance wildlife around your property? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured animal removal services in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Tennessee Wildlife Removal and Control 615-337-9165
Tennessee Wildlife Removal and Control 615-337-9165

How to Remove a Dead Animal From Your House

Unfortunately for anyone who owns real estate, whether residential or commercial, wild animal intrusions are very common. And when they intrude, the damages are virtually infinite. To make matters worse, animal infestations, both inside and outside of a property, can easily go undetected for quite some time. In fact, the majority of animal intrusions serviced by professional critter control companies are initially detected by a foul smell. That foul smell is almost always a dead animal. Having live animals removed from your house is one thing, but dead animals require a bit more attention.

Continue reading to learn how to remove a dead animal from your house, safely, and without causing further damage to your property.

Indianapolis Dead Animal Removal
Indianapolis Dead Animal Removal 317-875-3099

Dead Animal Carcasses are Hazardous

Having a dead animal in or around your home is a health hazard. Not only do dead animal carcasses develop highly-dangerous bacteria and parasites that can be transmitted to people and pets, but they also rot, causing a disturbing and distinct smell of decomposition. Furthermore, dead animals also attract other unwanted pests, like flies, maggots, lice, and more. What it all boils down to is this: You do not want a dead animal anywhere near your house, whether inside or out. This is especially true for those with young children and curious, outdoor pets.

Signs Pointing Toward a Dead Animal

Always keep your eye out for the signs of a dead animal in or around your house. The most common sign is that smell of decay we just spoke of. You have certainly taken a walk through the woods or hang out by the lake shore, and during these times, you have likely smelled what dead animal smells like. The odor is very distinguished, and cannot be mistaken for anything else. It smells sour and putrid.

Generally, the stronger the smell, the larger the animal, or number of animals. In the warm seasons, this smell can spread throughout the entire property. Cold temperatures slow the decomposition process, which is why most animal infestations are caught in the spring. But don’t wait that long to have your home inspected for animal intrusions!

Another common sign are suspicious ceiling and wall stains. When a dead animal decays, let’s say in an attic or wall void, the muscle fibers and furs begin to rot and breakdown, which causes both an odor and an oily, greasy, watery substance. This substance can seep through floorboards and stain ceilings, or seep through sheetrock and stain walls.

How to Remove a Dead Animal

You should not attempt to remove a dead animal from your house on your own. As mentioned, dead animal carcasses contain highly dangerous bacteria and parasites that harm people and pets. For this reason, they must be handled, contained, transported, and cleaned up after, properly. Only a licensed and certified wildlife removal company can do this all for you. They have the proper training, permits, equipment, and resources to remove a dead animal safely, and decontaminate the exposed area. Best of all, they can implement the proper modifications to ensure your home is not intruded on by nuisance wildlife ever again!

Emergency Dead Animal Removal Service in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for affordable emergency dead animal removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding areas. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control specialists offer nuisance wildlife abatement services, cleanup and minor restorations for animal damages, 24 hour emergency service, free estimates, and much more! Get started by requesting a free estimate or advice, today.

Budget Animal Removal

What To Do if You Find a Dead Animal in the Yard

If you live near wooded or forested areas, or a year-round body of water, it is very likely that you have a certain degree of wildlife activity on or around your property. In this case, it is also very likely that at some point in time, you may come across a dead animal. If this ever happens, the proper course of action will depend on the particular circumstances and various other factors.

Continue reading to learn what you should do if you find a dead animal on your property in Nashville, Tennessee.

Dead Animal Removal Nashville Tennessee
Dead Animal Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-337-9165

Dead Animal Safety

The most important thing you need to know about finding a dead animal is that you should never, under any circumstances, attempt to touch or tamper with the carcass. All wild animals are possible carriers of several infectious diseases, illnesses, bacteria, and parasites, all of which can be transmitted to both people and pets. Some illnesses are fatal, such as the Rabies virus.

If you find a dead animal on or around your property, here is what you need to do:

The first step to take is to secure young children and pets away from the area. If the animal is outdoors, move all children and pets indoors, and be sure the area with the animal is not accessible to the public.

If the sight is offensive to anyone, cover the carcass with a large towel, sheet, or tarp, being very careful not to come close or touch it at all. Be sure to toss this cover into the trash after the carcass has been collected.

Next, you need to assess the situation. Do this by first identifying the species. If you have a wild animal, like a raccoon or bat, you will need to take a different route than if you had a dead cat, dog, goose, or duck.

If you have a deceased cat, dog, or waterfowl species on your property, you will need to contact your local animal control company. You can find this contact information online at your county’s official webpage, or by calling the local police station for a direct referral.

If you have a deceased wild animal on your property, you will need to contact a local and licensed Nashville Wildlife Control Company for prompt dead animal removal services. Many companies even offer 24 hour emergency service, or may be able to offer same-day or next-day assistance.

24 Hour Dead Animal Removal Service in Nashville, Tennessee and Surrounding Counties

Call Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for fast and affordable dead animal removal services in Nashville, Tennessee and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control specialists offer nuisance wildlife abatement services, cleanup and minor restorations for animal damages, 24 hour emergency service, free estimates, and much more! Get started by requesting a free estimate or advice, today.

Tennessee Wildlife Removal and Control 615-337-9165
Tennessee Wildlife Removal and Control 615-337-9165

Tips for Dead Animal Odor Removal

So, you discovered there was a dead animal, or animals, in your home and you have had them successfully removed. But for some reason, your home still smells as if they were still there. So, what do you do? You call a reputable Indianapolis wildlife control company for professional dead animal cleanup and restoration services. Your homeowners’ insurance might even cover all or part of the service!

Continue reading to learn why your home retains these foul odors left behind by a dead animal, and how a professional wildlife removal technician can remove them for good, and within budget.

Indianapolis Dead Animal Removal and Cleanup
Indianapolis Dead Animal Removal and Cleanup 317-875-3099

Dead Animals Leave Behind More Than Just Odors

Whether raccoons, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, or some other species of Indiana wildlife, there are many reasons why a home may still smell like the dead animal that was just removed. Sometimes, that smell can be described as rotting meat or sour garbage, but must worse. When an animal is living within a home, and then dies, simply removing the carcass is not enough if the animal spent more than a few days inside. In addition to a dead animal carcass, other remnants of their time there will cause smells to develop and linger.

For example, animal urine and droppings can accumulate to mass amounts in as little as a few hours. This causes an airborne odor that will pass through the home’s vents, ductwork, walls, and ceilings. In fact, if the urine and dropping accumulations are too massive, they can even seep through these areas and cause stains on ceilings and walls.

Furthermore, a dead animal carcass can also leave behind body oils that saturate and soak through areas of the home where the animal died. This can leave behind a strong, pungent odor just by itself. Aside from a carcass, other remnants of animals can cause smells to contaminate the home, such as decaying food leftovers and birthing debris.

Dead Animal Odor Removal Process

It is vital to your home and health to hire a professional wildlife control contractor to manage these problems and remedy them in a convenient time frame. They retain the proper training and experience to quickly identify foul animal odors, and the professional supplies to restore your space back to normal. Depending on the extent of damage, technicians commonly control and remove foul odors by applying counteractants, oxidizing agents, germicidal disinfectants, aerosol sprays, and foggers to complete the job. Best of all, most wildlife cleanup and restoration services are covered fully or partially by standard homeowners’ insurance policies.

Qualified Dead Animal Removal and Cleanup Service in Indianapolis, Indiana

Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for fast and affordable dead animal removal and cleanup services in Indianapolis, Indiana. As a locally owned and operated Hoosier company founded on old-fashioned values of integrity and respect, you can feel confident that your property is in the hands of truly qualified professionals who are committed to superior customer support, as well as, the protection and preservation of Indiana’s astounding wildlife. Contact us at 317-875-3099 to speak directly with a friendly wildlife abatement specialist about your nuisance animal problems, today.

Budget Animal Removal