Winning the War Against Garden Squirrels: Proven Tactics

Squirrels can be charismatic, with their playful antics and fluffy tails, but when these critters invade your beautiful garden, their charm quickly dissipates. Suddenly, they become the enemy, nibbling at your plants, and digging up your bulbs. These small creatures can wreak havoc on your green sanctuary, causing you unnecessary stress and frustration. But do not despair, as this war is not lost.

This blog post will guide you through proven tactics for effective squirrel control, including squirrel removal and repellent methods. Brace yourself for the battle and let’s reclaim your garden from these furry intruders!

Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Squirrel Trapping and Removal in Nashville Tennessee
Call 615-337-9165 For Licensed Squirrel Trapping and Removal in Nashville Tennessee

How to Identify a Nuisance Squirrel Problem

The first step in any war is to assess the situation. The same applies when it comes to controlling pesky squirrels. As such, you must identify if there’s an issue before taking action. Here are some telltale signs that point to a possible problem:

▹ Damaged or missing plants and bulbs
▹ Gnawed flowerpots
▹ Hollowed-out garden beds
▹ Hollowed-out garden beds
▹ Squirrel droppings near plants and fruits
▹ Unusually active squirrels in the garden

If you detect any of these signs, it’s time to take action. Don’t worry though – with some patience and effort, you can win this war!

Squirrel Removal

The first step in winning the war against garden squirrels is to understand their behavior and habitat preferences. Armed with this knowledge, you can preemptively keep them away from your precious plants or remove them if they have already invaded. Some common tactics for removal include:

Live Traps: Using a trap baited with food such as nuts can help you catch the pesky squirrels, which can then be released elsewhere. Only licensed professionals can trap and release nuisance squirrels. Do not attempt this yourself.

Exclusion: If you know where the squirrels are accessing your garden, seal off these entry points using metal or wooden barriers.

Repellents: There are many commercial repellent products containing either taste or smell to deter squirrels from entering your garden.

How to Make a Non-Toxic Squirrel Repellent Spray

If you want to use a more natural solution for deterring squirrels from your garden, make your own non-toxic repellent spray. All you need is one or two of the following ingredients: garlic cloves, chili powder, capsaicin oil, and/or vinegar. You can also use fox urine, as they are a common predator of squirrels. Then just mix 2 tablespoons of each ingredient with 3 cups of water in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture well and spray it liberally around your garden to keep squirrels away naturally.

Squirrel Control

Once you have removed the squirrels, it is time to implement wildlife abatement measures to prevent them from returning. Here are some tips for effective squirrel control:

Plant Species: Choose plants that squirrels don’t find appealing, such as prickly shrubs (globe thistle, marigolds, cucumbers) and trees or plants with strong scents (menthol, chili pepper, eucalyptus).

Fencing: A fence around your garden can discourage squirrels from entering. Make sure the fence is at least 3 feet tall and buried 6 inches deep for maximum effectiveness.

Scare Tactics: Use motion-activated sprinklers, decoys, or even barking dog recordings to scare away any squirrel that dared cross the line.

Squirrels and Bird Feeders

Are you looking for ways to protect your bird feeders from pesky squirrels? If so, here are some tips:

Opt for a squirrel-proof feeder. There are several on the market and they can be very effective.

Hang your bird feeders high and away from trees and rooftops where squirrels can easily climb up to them.

Add baffles above and below the feeders to prevent squirrels from reaching them.

Place the feeders near a window and use slinky toys to keep squirrels away.

In Conclusion

Winning the war against garden squirrels requires patience and dedication, but it is possible with these proven tactics. Understand their behaviors and habitat preferences, remove any intruders, implement control measures, and use natural or commercial repellents to keep them away. With these tips in your arsenal, you can reclaim your garden from these furry intruders! Finally, don’t forget to protect your bird feeders with squirrel-proof feeders and baffles.

Hopefully this blog post has helped provide useful information on controlling local squirrel populations. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured Nashville, Tennessee animal removal for squirrels, chipmunks, and more!

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What is Eating the Cucumbers in My Garden?

Growing and managing a garden full of crops is not an easy task. In fact, it requires a lot of dedication, consistency, and exploration to be successful at growing fruits, veggies, legumes, and more. So, once you get the hang of things, and crops like tomatoes and cucumbers are popping up regularly, it can be more than disconcerting to have them gobbled up by pests just when you go to pick them. Many gardeners are asking if raccoons can be to blame for all their missing vegetables, namely cucumbers.

Continue reading and get the answer to this question, which by the way, is yes!

Protect Your Gardens From Nuisance Raccoons

A Raccoon’s Diet is Omnivorous

Raccoons are omnivores, which means they eat like humans. Everything from meat and fish, to vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and more falls within a raccoon’s diet. So, if your cucumbers are coming up missing or nibbled-on, raccoons could very well be to blame, but so could several other animals.

You see, raccoons do not prefer the prickly vines and large leaves of a cucumber plant and tend to steer clear of them. In fact, many farmers have purposely planted cucumber plants around the perimeter of their corn fields to thwart raccoons from gobbling up their crops!

Yes, of course they will eat a cucumber if easily available to them, as well as a tomato, potato, lettuce, and more, but they are not likely to go out of their way to cross an overgrown prickly stalk of cucumbers. This is good news for those with generation cucumber plants that have grown large and abundant. But for new cucumbers and immature plants, the vulnerability level is higher.

Hire a Professional Raccoon Control Service

To find out whether or not raccoons are your cucumber culprits, you must do a little investigating. There are certain things you can do as a property owner to look for clues that suggest raccoon presence, but your best bet is a qualified Indianapolis IN raccoon control company. They retain the proper tools, knowledge, and resources to inspect your home, determine if raccoons are nearby, and provide the necessary services to exclude them from your property.

Do you need to get rid of nuisance raccoons in Indiana? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for professional critter control for raccoons in Indianapolis and its surrounding regions. We serve residential and commercial clients and offer animal cleanup services.

You Should Also Read:

Information About Attic Restoration After an Animal Infestation
Advice That Will Keep Pesky Raccoons Out of Your Garbage
Is Your Home Vulnerable to Raccoon Intrusion?

Budget Animal Removal

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden This Spring

Squirrels are cute, playful, and entertaining little critters to have around the yard. However, if you manage a garden every year, you might not be the biggest fan of them. And that’s okay! Squirrels are a common nuisance for gardeners since they are very good at sneaking around and causing all sorts of gardening problems. If you are tired of living under the tyranny of nuisance garden squirrels, it may help to take a new approach.

Continue reading to learn some effective tips for protecting your garden from squirrel damage, safely and humanely.

Indianapolis IN Squirrel Removal and Control
Indianapolis IN Squirrel Removal and Control 317-875-3099

Squirrel Control for Flowerbeds and Gardens

Make Some Environmental Modifications

The first step to stopping those furry little critters is modifying your surroundings. This means doing whatever you can to thwart squirrel activity and access. Put away accessible pet food dishes and water bowls, get rid of bird baths and houses, and eliminate low-hanging branches near roofs, patios, gardens, sheds, garages, and more (trim at least 6 feet away). You will also do well to seal up your garbage cans and only take them outside the morning of collection day.

If you have trees that are near your home and garden, you might want to consider installing metal sheets around the trunks to prevent squirrels from climbing them. These metal tree wraps discourage traction. And if they cannot climb your trees, it is not likely that they’ll stick around your property for too much longer.

Animal-Proof the Garden

If you are planting bulbs this year, consider planting them with cages. These metal cages can be purchased at any local gardening or home improvement store; or you can make them yourself using standard sheet metal. You can take it a step further by installing a metal mesh sheet over the top of your garden soil. Just be sure the mesh openings are at least 2 1/2 inches in diameter so they do not obstruct plant growth. You can use other types of garden barriers and reinforcements too, such as chicken wire fencing and hardware cloth. These methods will work well to prevent nuisance critters from digging up your garden plants.

Rely on Sensory Barriers

There are many non-toxic, homemade repellents you can use to thwart nuisance squirrel activity in certain areas of your yard. Many spices and smells are disliked by wildlife, including cayenne pepper, peppermint, menthol, and cinnamon. Sprinkle these spice mixtures around the perimeter of your garden for added protection. You can also use bowls of moth balls or ammonia soaked cotton balls, as well as, predator urine (coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, etc.), fake owl decoys, and even bitter apple spray. Just be sure to reapply regularly to maintain a constant and strong barrier.

Professional Squirrel Control Service

If nuisance squirrels are an ongoing problem for your property, it is very likely that they have caused problems in other areas of your home. Always try to catch a squirrel problem early on if you can. It is important to hire a professional wildlife control company to inspect your house for squirrel openings, damages, infestations, and all other wild animal susceptibilities. Professional wildlife intervention and proofing services will save you loads of time, money, and frustration in the long run.

Are ready for a more professional and advanced approach to squirrel control? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 to get rid of squirrels in Indianapolis, Indiana at a price you can afford. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Budget Animal Removal