Fly Away Home: How to Deal with Nuisance Birds Effectively

Dealing with nuisance birds can often feel like a losing battle. Whether they’re disrupting your peaceful home environment with their incessant noise, or ruining your garden’s aesthetics with their droppings, there’s no denying that these feathery visitors can quickly become unwelcome guests. But don’t despair just yet! There are a multitude of effective bird control methods and bird deterrents available that can help you handle these issues with precision and care, ensuring that both your comfort and the birds’ safety are prioritized.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the ins and outs of bird removal, offering practical, sustainable solutions to keep your home and garden bird-free, without causing harm to our avian friends. Let’s dive in!

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Bird Control in Nashville Tennessee
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Bird Control in Nashville Tennessee

Understanding the Problem With Nuisance Birds

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s important to understand why birds may become a nuisance in the first place. Many times, birds are attracted to an area due to the availability of food, water, or shelter. In urban areas, this can often be attributed to open garbage bins, bird feeders, and cozy nooks on building ledges. Once they’ve established a regular food source, birds can quickly become habitual and difficult to deter. Additionally, some species of birds may be more bothersome than others, with seagulls and pigeons being common culprits for their loud calls and droppings. Now that we have a better understanding of the issue at hand, let’s explore some effective solutions.

Bird Control Methods

Bird control refers to the various techniques used to prevent or reduce bird populations in a specific area. These methods range from physical barriers, such as nets and spikes, to natural deterrents like predator decoys and reflective tape. When it comes to choosing the right bird control method, it’s important to consider the type of birds you’re dealing with, as well as any potential harm that may come to them. Here are a few popular options to consider:

Netting: This method involves covering the area with a mesh material, preventing birds from accessing the space and causing damage.

Spikes: Placing spike strips in areas where birds like to perch can discourage them from settling down, without causing any harm.

Ultrasonic Devices: Emitting high-frequency sound waves, these devices work to annoy and deter birds without being audible to humans.

Decoys: Using fake predators, such as owls or hawks, can cause birds to think twice about entering an area.

Bird Deterrents

While bird control methods focus on physically preventing birds from accessing a specific area, bird deterrents work by making the space unappealing or uncomfortable for the birds. These methods are often used in conjunction with bird control measures to provide a comprehensive solution. Some examples of bird deterrents include:

Visual Deterrents: Using reflective materials, such as flash tape or balloons, can be effective in scaring off birds.

Scare Tactics: There are various scare tactics that can be used, such as loud noises or motion-activated sprinklers, to startle birds and discourage them from returning.

Repellents: Some natural repellents, like chili powder or citrus oils, can be effective in deterring birds without causing harm.

Habitat Modification: By making changes to the environment that make it less attractive to birds (e.g. removing food sources), you can discourage them from inhabiting the area.


As you can see, there are many options available for dealing with nuisance birds in a humane and effective manner. It’s important to carefully consider which methods will work best for your specific situation, always keeping in mind the well-being of both humans and birds. By understanding the root cause of the issue and utilizing a combination of bird control methods and deterrents, you can successfully keep those pesky birds at bay. Remember, with the right tactics, we can coexist peacefully with our feathered friends.

Ready to tackle your nuisance bird problems with first-class solutions at a neighborhood price? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured Nashville, Tennessee critter control services for birds and more.

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5 Harmless Ways to Get Rid of Birds

Birds are one of the most abundant species of wildlife, so it is no surprise that they tend to be a top nuisance animal for both commercial and residential property owners. How are birds such a disturbance? Well, the list goes on and on. Not only are birds common carriers of several transmissible diseases and parasites that can affect both people and pets, but they are also quite destructive. They can build nests that obstruct vents, chimneys, plumbing, and several other important systems, leading to costly and invasive repairs. At the same time, their incessant droppings can be quite unsightly and certainly unhygienic. And although the least of your worries, the sounds of non-stop fluttering and chirping is quite annoying.

If you are experiencing nuisance bird problems, you will be glad to learn that there are plenty of safe and humane solutions out there that won’t break the bank. Continue reading to learn 5 harmless ways to get rid of birds in or around your property.

Indianapolis Bird Removal and Control
Indianapolis Bird Removal and Control 317-875-3099

Bird Removal and Control Strategies That You Can Feel Good About

When it comes to getting rid of birds, the last thing you want to do is cause them harm or put them in danger. Although obnoxious and destructive, birds are still important parts of our surrounding Eco-systems, and should only be diverted away from our residential and city areas, not terminated. Fortunately, there are some safe and humane deterrents you can use for non-lethal bird removal and control. The top 5 methods include bird spikes, bird netting, scare props, noise, and professional animal control.

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes sound like they are medieval, but they are actually very safe and non-harmful to birds. They are merely plastic spikes that annoy birds, and therefore, divert them away from your property. To use them, simply place them along edges where your nuisance birds perch regularly, such as ledges, beams, street posts, street signs, and similar bird-resting spots. You can purchase them online or at any local home improvement store.

Bird Netting

Bird netting might also sound a bit barbaric, but when installed and applied properly, it is a perfectly safe and humane bird deterrent. You see, bird netting is not meant to capture birds; it is designed to be used as a barrier to common bird entry and exit points in cases of interior infestations. The netting is installed in a strategic way to force the birds out, and exclude them from returning. Bird netting can be installed anywhere you do not want birds to get into, but be careful with children and pets, who might be at risk of getting tangled in the netting.

Scare Props

There are things you can place outside or around your property that will actually scare birds away. Now, we can’t know what kind of an effect this has on their psyche, but we can tell you that it is perfectly harmless in every other way. Consider installing things that resemble humans because birds are notoriously scared of people. Scarecrows are popular and effective options, but you can also opt for some family cutouts or poster boards. Fake snakes have been suggested to work too!

Obnoxious Noise

As just mentioned, birds are scared of humans. So, when they think we are close by, they steer clear. You can use this to your advantage in the case of nuisance birds by simply mimicking your presence during their peak activity hours. Place a radio in their area during these times, and they will think the talking is actually real people. Overtime, they will learn that your property is not a comfortable place to rest. You can also use sounds of their common predators, like coyotes and fox howls.

Professional Abatement

The best way to get rid of birds in Indianapolis is to hire a team that is fully-equipped with all the right strategies, experience, and resources to get the job done right. Here at Budget Animal Removal, our licensed wildlife removal and control specialists can solve your nuisance bird problems quickly, and at a price you can afford.

Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 to request a free estimate or information about getting rid of birds in Indianapolis, Indiana, today.

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