How to Identify and Prevent Damage from Squirrels in Your Home

Are you dealing with a squirrel problem in your home? If so, it’s important to identify the type of squirrel and its behaviors as soon as possible. Knowing what kind of damage they can cause, how to spot evidence of their presence and how to prevent them from entering your property are all essential steps for protecting your home.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips on how to identify and prevent damage from squirrels in your home. We’ll cover topics such as proper removal techniques, exclusion methods and more so that you can keep these pesky critters out of your living space once and for all!

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Squirrel Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Squirrel Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Got Squirrels? Here’s How to Find Out

Look For Signs of Squirrel Activity

When it comes to identifying squirrels in your home, look for telltale signs of their presence. They often leave droppings that are easily spotted, and you may also see them moving around on trees or utility lines. Pay special attention to any holes they have chewed out of your exterior walls or roofs. These can be entry points for other animals as well, so it’s important to identify them early and seal them off when possible.

Hire Squirrel Removal and Exclusion Specialists

Once you’ve identified the squirrels in your home, the next step is squirrel removal. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, ranging from live trapping and relocation to professional exclusion and animal proofing services. Live trapping is a humane approach that allows the safe and speedy capture of squirrels without harming them. On the other hand, exclusion and squirrel proofing methods are much faster and more effective.

Squirrel Control

When it comes to prevention, there are several steps you can take to discourage squirrels from entering your home and causing damage. Make sure that all exterior doors and windows are tightly sealed to keep animals from sneaking inside. Trim back any overhanging tree branches or twigs around the house that may provide access points to the roof or upper levels of your property. Additionally, use deterrents such as sprinklers, motion-activated lights and other products specifically designed for squirrel control.

Squirrel Repellent

Do you know how to make squirrel repellent? If not, it’s easy to purchase commercially made repellent. By using either technique, your yard can become a squirrel free zone! Making it yourself is surprisingly simple and requires only a few common items from the store. Try common critter repelling ingredients like predator urine, peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, or capsaicin oil to start! Simply mix with water and spray! Buying a ready-made squirrel deterrent product takes no time at all and is highly effective against pesky critters. Whichever route you decide to take, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your lawn or garden won’t be troubled by bothersome animals.

Stop Squirrels in Their Tracks!

By following these tips, you can help identify and prevent damage caused by squirrels in your home. If you need assistance with squirrel removal techniques or exclusion methods, contact a local wildlife control expert for assistance. They can provide effective solutions to your squirrel problems and help you keep these critters out of your living space once and for all!

By using the right techniques and applying proper prevention methods, you can ensure that your home is safe from damage caused by squirrels. Start by contacting Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured squirrel removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana, and surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden This Spring
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Why Winter is the Best Time of Year for Bat Prevention

Winter may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also one of the best times to protect your home from unwanted bat guests. Bats are active during winter months, and now is an ideal time to take proactive steps towards bat control and prevention. From sealing entry points to installing bat proofing measures, there are many things you can do to ensure that bats don’t make a winter home in yours.

Read on for more information on why winter is the perfect time for bat prevention!

For Winter Bat Control in Indianapolis, Call 317-875-3099 Today.
For Winter Bat Control in Indianapolis, Call 317-875-3099 Today.

Bat Activity in Winter

With the arrival of winter, bats become less visible and active. This is because bats hibernate during the coldest months and enter a state of torpor to conserve energy. Hibernation is an adaptation bats use to survive the winter when food is scarce. During this time, bats are not completely asleep and may occasionally wake up due to decreases in temperatures or to take an occasional sip of water. When spring approaches, bats emerge from hibernation, able to enjoy the warmer weather and feast on buzzing insects.

Top Benefits of Winter Bat Control and Proofing

The colder temperatures of winter can make it much easier to spot potential bat entry points around your home. For example, cracks in windows or door frames where bats could get in are often more visible during the cold months. This makes it much easier for you to identify and address those areas before the warmer weather arrives. Likewise, if you have any type of bat control system in place, it’s important to check and maintain it each winter season. This prevents any damage or deterioration that could leave your home vulnerable to bats.

Finally, installing bat proofing measures is most effective during the colder months as well. While this is an important step all year round, winter is when bats are most likely to be looking for shelter. If you can make your home less attractive to bats during this time, you’ll be more protected once the weather warms up. Bat control systems include physical barriers, such as bat-proof screens, bat cones, or bat houses, as well as chemical repellents to prevent bats from settling in or returning to an area. Strategies such as ultrasonic sound waves that mimic bat calls and strobe lights have been employed with varying levels of success. While a one-size-fits-all approach may not exist when it comes to bat control, a combination of these strategies can be utilized by property owners to discourage bat colonizing on their property.

Bat Proof Your Home or Business This Winter Season

In conclusion, winter is an excellent time of year for bat prevention and control. From identifying bat entry points to installing bat proofing measures, taking proactive steps now can help keep your home bat-free long-term. So don’t wait — start winterizing your home against bats today!

Is your property already dealing with the annoyance of bat activity this year? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for affordable winter animal proofing and bat control in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients all throughout central Indiana.

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The Importance of Humane Bat Removal and Control
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How to Humanely Get Rid of Nuisance Rabbits

Rabbits can be a nuisance when they start to overrun an area. While there are various methods people use to try and get rid of them, most of these are cruel and inhumane. In this blog, we will point out some rabbit removal and control methods that are both humane and effective.

Call Our Rabbit Trappers in Nashville Tennessee at 615-337-9165 Today!
Call Our Rabbit Trappers in Nashville Tennessee at 615-337-9165 Today!

What are Nuisance Rabbits?

A nuisance rabbit is defined as a rabbit that is causing or is about to cause damage to property, public nuisance, or that poses a health or safety hazard. There are a few ways to identify a nuisance rabbit. The first is by their damage. damages caused by nuisance rabbits include but are not limited to: holes dug in yards, flower beds, and gardens; chewing on wood, plastics, cloth, and paper products; and eating crops. If you see any of these damage signs, it’s a good indicator that you have a nuisance rabbit.

Another way to identify a nuisance rabbit is by their behavior. Behavior signs include but are not limited to: 1) being active during the day, 2) being tame around people, and 3) approaching people or pets. If you see any of these behavior signs, there’s a good chance you have a nuisance rabbit.

Finally, you can look for physical signs. These include but are not limited to: 1) an unusual number of rabbits in one area, 2) sick or injured rabbits, and 3) dead rabbits. If you see any of these physical signs, it’s likely that you have a nuisance rabbit problem. If you think you have a nuisance rabbit, the best course of action is to contact your local animal control agency or wildlife agency for assistance.

The Best Ways to Humanely Get Rid of Rabbits

Nuisance rabbits can be a real problem for homeowners. They damage gardens, chew on wires and insulation, and generally make a nuisance of themselves. While it may be tempting to simply get rid of them, there are more humane ways to manage the problem.

One way to reduce the number of nuisance rabbits is to provide them with an alternate food source. This can be done by planting a garden that is rabbit-resistant or by providing a feeding station that is stocked with rabbit-safe foods. Additionally, fencing can be used to create a physical barrier between the rabbits and their desired area. The fencing should be at least two feet tall and buried six inches underground to prevent the rabbits from digging underneath it.

If nuisance rabbits are still proving to be a problem, there are several options for humanely removing them from the property. One option is to live trap the rabbits and then release them into a rabbit-friendly area. However, it is illegal in Tennessee for property owners to perform animal trapping and removal themselves. You must hire a licensed and insured Nashville wildlife control company to do this job. Whatever method you choose, be sure to follow all local laws and regulations regarding nuisance animals.

Tips For Preventing Rabbit Problems in the Future

Nuisance rabbits can be a big problem for homeowners. They cause damage to lawns and gardens and can even pose a danger to small children and pets. If you’re having problems with nuisance rabbits, there are a few things you can do to control them. First, try to exclude them from your property by installing fences or chicken wire around garden areas. If that isn’t possible, you may need to resort to rabbit control methods such as traps or pesticides. These methods should only be used as a last resort, as they can be harmful to other animals and humans if not used correctly. If you have a persistent rabbit problem, you may want to call a professional animal removal service in Nashville, TN for help with rabbit abatement.

Ready to get professional help with nuisance rabbits and other types of pests around your property? Budget Animal Removal provides top-quality rabbit removal and control service in Nashville, Tennessee. We are a locally-owned and operated business that takes pride in our work. We offer affordable rates and a variety of services to meet your needs. Contact us today for a free estimate!

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How to Get Rid of Rabbits Without Hurting Them
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The Top 5 Nuisance Animals in the Fall Season

Fall is a time when many animals are preparing for winter. Some animals, such as squirrels and deer, are known for being nuisances during this time of year. Continue reading to brush up on some important tips on how to deal with these Fall season nuisance animals.

For Nuisance Animal Removal in Indianapolis, Call 317-875-3099 Today!
For Nuisance Animal Removal in Indianapolis, Call 317-875-3099 Today!

Common Nuisance Wildlife to Watch Out For This Season and the Next

Squirrels and Chipmunks

If you have squirrels or chipmunks in your yard, try to keep them away by removing any food sources that they may be attracted to. Optimal squirrel control includes keeping your garbage can lid securely fastened and not leaving bird seed or other food out in the open.


In many parts of the country, deer have become a nuisance. They wander into yards and gardens, eat plants, and damage property. If deer are a problem, you can try using deer repellent or fencing to keep them away from your property.


If raccoons are raiding your garbage cans, make sure to keep the lids securely fastened. You may also want to consider investing in a raccoon-proof garbage can. Furthermore, raccoon diseases can be deadly, so it is important to be aware of them if you live in an area where they reside.


If you have a problem with opossums, make sure to remove any potential food sources from your property. Opossums are attracted to garbage, so keeping your garbage can lid securely fastened is important.

All Other Nuisance Animals

If you have any other nuisance animals on your property, contact a professional wildlife control company for assistance.

How to Protect Your Home Against Wildlife Damages and Threats

As the weather gets cooler and the days get shorter, you may start to notice some of these unwelcome guests around your home. Raccoons, opossums, skunks, squirrels, and several other types of nuisance animals are looking for a warm place to nest and can cause damage to your property. Here are some tips to keep them away:

▷ Inspect your home for cracks or holes that could be used as an entrance. Seal up any openings with caulk or other materials.

▷ Keep your yard clean and free of debris. This will make it less attractive to animals looking for a place to build a nest.

▷ If you have bird feeders, keep them clean and free of moldy seed. This can attract rodents looking for a food source.

▷ Keep your trash cans sealed tight and don’t leave any food out where animals can get to it.

▷ If you have a fireplace, make sure the flue is closed when not in use. This will prevent animals from entering your home through the chimney.

Following these tips will help you keep nuisance animals away from your home this fall and winter. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a licensed and insured Indianapolis wildlife control company for assistance.

All of these tips are possible with the help of our licensed and insured Indiana wildlife control operators. Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured wildlife removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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Are You Searching for Nashville Tennessee Critter Control?

Critter control is important in Tennessee because the state is home to a variety of wildlife species. Some of these critters, such as raccoons and opossums, can cause problems for homeowners. Other critters, such as snakes and coyotes, can pose a threat to public safety. Budget Animal Removal Nashville is a company that specializes in the removal of nuisance wildlife in Tennessee and its surrounding areas.

Our licensed and insured operators offer a variety of services, including animal trapping, animal exclusion, animal proofing, and animal damage cleanup. Budget Animal Removal also provides these very blogs to help the public learn more about responsible wildlife management. If you are dealing with nuisance wildlife, like skunks, opossums, bats, raccoons, or squirrels, you are in the right place.

Continue below to review some helpful information about our Nashville Tennessee critter control and removal services, including how to get started with a quote today!

Nashville Tennessee Critter Control
Nashville Tennessee Critter Control 615-337-9165

The Problems Caused by Nuisance Critters in Tennessee

Nuisance critters can cause all sorts of problems for homeowners and businesses in Tennessee. These animals can damage property, contaminate food sources, and spread disease. Our Nashville critter control experts are trained to safely and effectively remove these animals from both residential and commercial settings. So, when critters invade your space, it’s important to act quickly. These animals can reproduce quickly, meaning that the problem can quickly become out of control. Here at Budget Animal Removal Nashville, we have the tools and experience to get rid of nuisance animals fast.

Critter Control Service in Nashville

If you’re dealing with nuisance critter problems in Tennessee, contact our licensed and insured Nashville critter control experts at 615-337-9165 today. We will be able to assess the situation and develop a plan to safely remove the animals from your property.

Top Wildlife Control Tips for Homes and Businesses

There are many ways to keep critters out of your home, but the best way is to prevent them from getting inside in the first place. Here are some tips to help you keep critters away:

🐾 Inspect your home regularly for any points of entry that wildlife could use, such as cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, or vents without screens.

🐾 Use caulk or other materials to seal up any openings that you find.

🐾 Keep your yard clean and free of debris, such as piles of leaves or wood. This will make it less appealing to nuisance animals looking for a place to nest.

🐾 If you have trash cans outside, make sure they have tight-fitting lids to keep critters from getting inside.

🐾 Store food in airtight containers and keep it off the floor or counters where animals could access it.

🐾 Remove any standing water from your property, such as in bird baths, pet water dishes, or puddles. This will eliminate potential breeding grounds for wildlife.

🐾 If you have pets, keep their food and water dishes inside to avoid attracting critters.

🐾 Call Budget Animal Removal Nashville at 615-337-9165 if you suspect you have a critter problem. They can help identify the type of Critter and recommend the best course of action for removal.

All of these tips are possible with the help of our licensed and insured wildlife control operators. Contact us at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured Nashville, TN critter control you can trust. We serve commercial clients, too!  

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How to Protect Your House From Nuisance Wildlife in Tennessee
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Animal Control Tips for Nuisance Squirrels

There are four squirrel species that commonly live in Indiana. These include the Red squirrel, Grey squirrel, Fox squirrel, and Flying squirrel. All four of these species can become nuisances if they take up residence in your home or yard. Continue reading to learn some important animal control tips for getting rid of nuisance squirrels on or around your property.

Squirrel Trappers Indianapolis Indiana 317-875-3099
Squirrel Trappers Indianapolis Indiana 317-875-3099

How to Get Rid of Squirrels That are a Nuisance to Your Property

Nuisance squirrels can be a real pain, especially if they’re constantly raiding your bird feeders or digging up your garden. If you’re looking for ways to control these pesky critters, there are a few options available to you.

One method of squirrel control is to trap them and remove them from the area. This can be done by setting up a live trap baited with food, and then releasing the squirrels far away from your home. However, this may not be permitted by law in your area.

Another option is to use squirrel-proof bird feeders or squirrel-resistant plantings in your garden. By making it more difficult for them to access food, you can discourage them from hanging around.

You can also try using non-toxic repellents to keep squirrels away. There are a number of commercial products available, or you can make your own using ingredients like cayenne pepper, putrescent egg, or vinegar.

Finally, you can contact a DNR licensed and insured animal control company in Indianapolis that provides humane squirrel removal and control services. These professionals are your best bet at getting rid of a nuisance squirrel problem safely and in a timely manner.

If you’re dealing with nuisance squirrels, one of these above-mentioned control methods should get rid of them for good.

Getting Rid of Squirrels in the Attic

Squirrels in the attic can be real trouble. Not only are they loud and disruptive, but they can also cause damage to your home. If you’re dealing with a squirrel problem, you may be wondering how to get rid of them. There are a few different ways to go about squirrel control, and the best method for you will depend on the severity of the problem.

If you have a few squirrels in your attic, for example, you may be able to get rid of them with traps or repellents. If the problem is more serious, however, you may need to call in a professional. No matter what method you choose, getting rid of squirrels in your attic is important for the health and safety of your home.

Are you looking for professional animal control assistance for nuisance squirrels and chipmunks in the Indy areas? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured squirrel removal and control in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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Why You Need to Squirrel-Proof Your Home Before Late Summer

Squirrels are cute little critters, but they are also mischievous house guests. Right now, early-to-mid summer, is the best time of year to start animal-proofing your house against squirrel intrusions. Squirrels love attics and wall voids, and their excellent climbing abilities allow them to access high locations with ease. If your home is not sealed up, it is not well-protected, and therefore, vulnerable to squirrel infestation and damage.

Continue below to learn how to prevent squirrels in the attic, including why it is a good idea to squirrel-proof before late summer or early fall.

Squirrel Control Removal Nashville Tennessee 317-875-3099
Squirrel Control Removal Nashville Tennessee 317-875-3099

Damages Caused By Squirrels in the Attic

Not only can squirrels cause excessive damage to your roofing system, windows, shudders, gutters, and more, but they are well-known for causing extreme damage once they infest the inside, particularly the attic space. In addition to their gnarly chewing habits, which can destroy electrical wiring, PVC, and anything made of wood, they also saturate their surroundings with urine, droppings, and food debris. This mess is unsanitary and can cause lingering, noxious odors in the home. These damages only worsen if left unchecked, and ultimately add up to costly and invasive renovations. Let’s not forget squirrels are known carriers of several infectious diseases and parasites!

Mid-Summer Squirrel Proofing Tips

Squirrels begin building their winter nests in late summer and early fall. But before they build their nests, they must find a safe and secure place for the project. Your attic is prime real estate for squirrels for all the reasons mentioned earlier: their excellent climbing skills, easy roof access, and vulnerable openings on your house’s exterior like gaps, loose shingles, crumbling mortar, torn screens, damaged attic vents, and wood rot.

In order to make your home stand strong against nuisance squirrel infestations, you must ensure that your property is animal-proofed against small to mid-size critters. While you’re at it, you can keep chipmunks, birds, and more out of your attic! Fortunately, there many effective ways to keep squirrels from becoming an unwanted house guest this year.

Home Exterior Sealing

It is important to hire a licensed and insured critter control professional to inspect your home for target vulnerabilities. They know how to identify susceptible areas that might allow squirrels or other animals to enter. They also retain the proper training, equipment, and resources to seal up openings and exposed spots on your home’s exterior, plus implement additional means of wildlife control.

Environmental Modification

The first step to stopping those furry little critters is modifying your surroundings. This means doing whatever you can to thwart squirrel activity and access. Put away accessible pet food dishes and water bowls, get rid of bird baths and houses, and eliminate low-hanging branches near roofs, patios, gardens, sheds, garages, and more (trim at least 6 feet away). You will also do well to seal up your garbage cans and only take them outside the morning of collection day.

Squirrel Repellent

At your local home and garden store or retailer, you can find non-toxic animal repellents specially-formulated to divert squirrel activity. These products come in granular, spray, and powdered form. The option you choose will depend on a few factors, such as the particular area you wish to treat and your personal preference. Squirrel repellents are inexpensive, but if you want an economical alternative, try making your own homemade animal repellent at home.

Are you searching for licensed wildlife control experts to get rid of nuisance squirrels? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured squirrel removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve commercial and residential clients.

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How to Stop Raccoons From Digging Up Your Potted Plants

Raccoons are hungrier than your typical omnivore. As notorious opportunistic eaters, coons will eat almost anything, and will go to great lengths to get what they want. Dumpsters, garbage cans, pet dishes, gardens, fruit trees, and even garage refrigerators are common meal tickets for raccoons. Being that it is nearly summer, raccoons are relishing in all the new flora available to them. As a result, many homeowners are finding their precious, carefully-curated garden containers and potted plants pillaged night after night. If this is happening to your plants, you can likely blame local raccoons.

Continue reading to learn how to stop raccoons from digging up your potted plants, plus some additional animal-proofing tips that will benefit you year-round.

Get Rid of Raccoons Indianapolis Indiana 317-875-3099
Get Rid of Raccoons Indianapolis Indiana 317-875-3099

Raccoons are an Omnivorous Species

The challenge with nuisance raccoon activity is the fact that it generally takes place at night, so all you see is the mess they leave behind in the morning. Raccoons are omnivorous, meaning they eat both meat and plant matter, including insects, fish, small lizards, small birds, eggs, fruit, vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, fungi, and more.

If you are growing something that is deemed tasty to a raccoon, which is basically anything edible aside from hot peppers—even if you have just planted fresh seeds, you can expect hungry raccoons to sniff them out. And they will not hesitate to yank plants and bulbs right out of the pot! You see, raccoons have an advantage with this because they are equipped with human-like paws that are very dexterous. They can dig, grip, maneuver, and pull plants easier than we can!

Inedible Plants are Still Attractive to Raccoons

Even if you are growing something that is not meant to be consumed, or a plant that raccoons hate, like hot peppers, menthol, and eucalyptus, they might still dig for it. This is because the enriched soil your flowers are planted in contains juicy grubs that raccoons eat like popcorn. They can smell these grubs and will track them down by pulling out your flowers and digging through the soil. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent raccoons from destroying all your potted masterpieces.

How to Raccoon-Proof Your Yard

To prevent raccoons from pillaging your potted plants, plus avoid attracting more nuisance wildlife to your property, you need to secure some boundaries. Start by moving all of your potted plants indoors at night, then returning them to their designated space in the morning. Raccoons are intelligent, and they will pick up on the fact that their favorite snacks are no longer available on your property.

You can also think about installing a chicken wire or a temporary fence to keep your pots and plants behind at night. Other ways to prevent raccoons from entering your property is to remove all water and food sources, including bird baths, fountains, pet food, squirrel feeders, and garbage cans. Be sure to also caulk all crevices and gaps in roof shingles, windows, under patios, and decks.

Are you looking for a more professional and advanced approach to long-term raccoon control? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 to get rid of raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana at a price you can afford. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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3 Steps to Safe and Humane Groundhog Control

Whether you call them groundhogs or woodchucks, these thrifty critters are commonly a nuisance to landowners. If you are dealing with a nuisance groundhog problem, it is necessary to find a solution that is both effective and non-lethal. Continue below to learn the 3 step process to safe and humane groundhog removal and control.

Groundhog Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-875-3099
Groundhog Removal Indianapolis Indiana 317-875-3099

Groundhog Removal and Control Tips

The process of removing groundhogs from a property and mitigating any future activity can include a combination of methodologies and techniques. Overall, safe and humane groundhog removal and control can be accomplished in 3 key steps: identification, modification, and exclusion.

Identifying a Groundhog Problem

Your first step to getting rid of a groundhog problem is to identify where their activity is localized. Do some observation over the course of a few days or weeks to pinpoint where they are going, what they are after, and what kinds of damage they are leaving in their wake. By knowing where the groundhogs are hanging out, you can better put an end to their nuisance activity.

Groundhogs are after three things: food, water, and shelter. Gardens and crops are most at risk. If your gardens or crops look pillaged, you can safely assume the groundhogs are to blame. Other signs of groundhog tampering include nibbled grass and clovers, chewed tree bark, chewed up electrical wiring, and lawn burrowing. Groundhogs like to disguise their burrow entrances with leaves and sticks, so piles of such materials are a key indicator of groundhog activity.

Modifying the Environment

Now that you are sure you have a groundhog presence on or around your property, you can move forward by removing all the things that attract them to your yard. As mentioned, groundhogs want food, water, and shelter. They eat grasses and clovers, but especially love peas, melon, beans, and alfalfa sprouts. They may also eat stored pet food and livestock feed. Be sure these items are secured with fencing, barriers, or lids.

Groundhogs also like to chew on trees and woody plants to sharpen their teeth. Consider implementing barrier systems around vulnerable trees to prevent groundhog chewing. When it comes to their burrows, they love to make their homes in areas of the lawn that are covered with camouflage like stick piles, leaf piles, underbrush, and tall grasses. Eliminate these shelter covers to stop groundhogs from burrowing in your lawn.

Excluding Groundhogs

If you have groundhogs present on your property, you may need to have them physically extracted with the help of a licensed and qualified professional. Contact a local Indianapolis critter control company for humane groundhog removal and control service. They use live traps to catch groundhogs, so the methods are non-lethal and safe.

If you have groundhogs around your property, your final step is to choose an effective groundhog control plan to prevent future intrusions and tampering. Animal repellents work well because they provide a barrier around the perimeter of a property that works like an invisible fence. Groundhog repellents come in granular or liquid form, but you can also make your own at home. Use ingredients like spicy peppers, capsaicin, and putrescent egg for the most effective repellent solution.

Are groundhogs disturbing your Indiana property? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for fast and affordable animal removal and control services to get rid of groundhogs in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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How to Repel Raccoons With Strategic Gardening

Stop nuisance raccoon tampering and pillaging this Spring with these simple and effective, animal-proofing garden tips!

Raccoon Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-337-9165
Raccoon Removal Nashville Tennessee 615-337-9165

Raccoon Control Strategies For Spring

There are several strategies that work against raccoon trespassing and intrusions, but to achieve lasting success, it is best to combine multiple animal-proofing strategies, year-round. As for spring and summer, you can choose to simply plant some new kinds of plants in your garden!

You see, certain plants repel raccoons because they do not like the taste, feel, or smell of them. Planting these plants can be a fun and effective way to keep raccoons out of your gardens and away from your landscaping. And best of all, it is a project the whole family can get involved in!

Bad Tastes

Food is one of the top motivators that attract raccoons to residential and urban areas. If the food they find tastes bad to them or produces an undesirable effect, they will remember and not come back for more. Certain plants and foods are too spicy or taste bad to raccoons, as they have a sensitive palate. Plants that raccoons do not like the taste of includes hot peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and Goji berries.

Bad Smells

Just like taste, smell is important to raccoons. Certain plants and flora give off scents that raccoons are sensitive to or simply do not like. Plants in the mint family, namely peppermint, or even garlic are great natural repellents to consider adding to your garden. These smells are just too strong for raccoons, and they do their best to avoid them.

Bad Sensations

Raccoons have very sensitive paws. For this reason, they avoid walking in areas that hurt their feet and handling items that hurt their paws. Prickly plants and foods are some of those areas and items. Raccoons do not like to walk on or touch prickly or thorny plants, like globe thistle, cucumbers, anything in the squash family, rose bushes, and more. Planting these items in your garden or around your home can keep raccoons away.

Do you think you might have raccoons in the attic or around your house? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured Nashville, Tennessee critter control for raccoons and more. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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