What to Do if You Have a Raccoon in the Basement

Right now, raccoons are in search of dens to reproduce and raise their young for the spring. Unfortunately, the raccoons that live near urban areas prefer attics, crawl spaces, and basement in place of a den. This means nuisance raccoons are more of a problem this time of year than any other. So, it is likely to come across a raccoon in the basement, or other area of your property.

If you currently have a raccoon stuck or living in your basement, continue reading to learn how to get it out.

How to Protect Your Basement Against Raccoon Intrusions

How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the House

Raccoons usually prefer higher levels of residence, so if you have a raccoon in the basement, it is likely that there are more in the attic or other area of your property. In basements, they generally like to use the tops of water heaters, water softeners, and furnace units to house their nests. Look here first to see if there are signs of raccoon activity. There are several reasons why a raccoon might have decided to take shelter in your particular basement. Perhaps you left pet food outside, or a window wasn’t sealed properly. Either way, the raccoon chose your basement, so now it’s up to you to choose your next move.

Here’s what to do if you have a raccoon in your basement or cellar:

Locate All Entry Points. This is sometimes tricky to do without the help and resources of a wildlife control contractor, but it can still be done if you have the proper methods. Look all around the exterior of your home, and inspect for loose roof shingles, loose siding, warped patio boards, torn gutters, and any other irregularities that may suggest animals were trying to get inside. Also check the seals on your windows and doors to be sure animals cannot pry their way inside. Do the same for garage doors.

If you are lucky enough to blatantly see a raccoon entry and exit hole, so not seal it up just yet. But sprinkle white flour in front of the hole, and then the next day, see which direction the paw prints head, in or out. If you notice it is an exit, then that same night, close it up so the raccoon cannot return. Then call a professional Indianapolis critter control company to fully inspect, clean, and secure your home against raccoons.

If You Can’t Get the Raccoon to Leave…

Use Food as Bait to Lure Raccoons Outside. Place food items, like cheese or fruit, just outside the hole to lure the raccoon out. Once it is out, you can then close the entry point to exclude the raccoon from reentering.

Before You Seal the Hole, Check for Raccoon Babies First. You do not want to lure a mother raccoon out of your basement, and leave behind her pups that will die and decay in your home. Before permanently sealing off the entry/exit hole, be sure there are no raccoon litters in your attic or basement. If you find none, close the hole and then call a licensed wildlife control contractor for safe and secure raccoon removal services.

Please keep in mind that it is immoral, and illegal, to trap, harm, or kill wild raccoons without the proper licensing. Always call a trusted wildlife control company for non-lethal and professional raccoon removal services.

Do you have a raccoon infestation in your house or business? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured Indianapolis, Indiana critter control you can afford. We also provide cleanup and repair for animal damages and infestations.

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