How to Identify and Prevent Damage from Squirrels in Your Home

Are you dealing with a squirrel problem in your home? If so, it’s important to identify the type of squirrel and its behaviors as soon as possible. Knowing what kind of damage they can cause, how to spot evidence of their presence and how to prevent them from entering your property are all essential steps for protecting your home.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips on how to identify and prevent damage from squirrels in your home. We’ll cover topics such as proper removal techniques, exclusion methods and more so that you can keep these pesky critters out of your living space once and for all!

Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Squirrel Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-875-3099 for Licensed and Insured Squirrel Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Got Squirrels? Here’s How to Find Out

Look For Signs of Squirrel Activity

When it comes to identifying squirrels in your home, look for telltale signs of their presence. They often leave droppings that are easily spotted, and you may also see them moving around on trees or utility lines. Pay special attention to any holes they have chewed out of your exterior walls or roofs. These can be entry points for other animals as well, so it’s important to identify them early and seal them off when possible.

Hire Squirrel Removal and Exclusion Specialists

Once you’ve identified the squirrels in your home, the next step is squirrel removal. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, ranging from live trapping and relocation to professional exclusion and animal proofing services. Live trapping is a humane approach that allows the safe and speedy capture of squirrels without harming them. On the other hand, exclusion and squirrel proofing methods are much faster and more effective.

Squirrel Control

When it comes to prevention, there are several steps you can take to discourage squirrels from entering your home and causing damage. Make sure that all exterior doors and windows are tightly sealed to keep animals from sneaking inside. Trim back any overhanging tree branches or twigs around the house that may provide access points to the roof or upper levels of your property. Additionally, use deterrents such as sprinklers, motion-activated lights and other products specifically designed for squirrel control.

Squirrel Repellent

Do you know how to make squirrel repellent? If not, it’s easy to purchase commercially made repellent. By using either technique, your yard can become a squirrel free zone! Making it yourself is surprisingly simple and requires only a few common items from the store. Try common critter repelling ingredients like predator urine, peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, or capsaicin oil to start! Simply mix with water and spray! Buying a ready-made squirrel deterrent product takes no time at all and is highly effective against pesky critters. Whichever route you decide to take, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your lawn or garden won’t be troubled by bothersome animals.

Stop Squirrels in Their Tracks!

By following these tips, you can help identify and prevent damage caused by squirrels in your home. If you need assistance with squirrel removal techniques or exclusion methods, contact a local wildlife control expert for assistance. They can provide effective solutions to your squirrel problems and help you keep these critters out of your living space once and for all!

By using the right techniques and applying proper prevention methods, you can ensure that your home is safe from damage caused by squirrels. Start by contacting Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for DNR licensed and insured squirrel removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana, and surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

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Why You Need to Squirrel-Proof Your Home Before Late Summer

Squirrels are cute little critters, but they are also mischievous house guests. Right now, early-to-mid summer, is the best time of year to start animal-proofing your house against squirrel intrusions. Squirrels love attics and wall voids, and their excellent climbing abilities allow them to access high locations with ease. If your home is not sealed up, it is not well-protected, and therefore, vulnerable to squirrel infestation and damage.

Continue below to learn how to prevent squirrels in the attic, including why it is a good idea to squirrel-proof before late summer or early fall.

Squirrel Control Removal Nashville Tennessee 317-875-3099
Squirrel Control Removal Nashville Tennessee 317-875-3099

Damages Caused By Squirrels in the Attic

Not only can squirrels cause excessive damage to your roofing system, windows, shudders, gutters, and more, but they are well-known for causing extreme damage once they infest the inside, particularly the attic space. In addition to their gnarly chewing habits, which can destroy electrical wiring, PVC, and anything made of wood, they also saturate their surroundings with urine, droppings, and food debris. This mess is unsanitary and can cause lingering, noxious odors in the home. These damages only worsen if left unchecked, and ultimately add up to costly and invasive renovations. Let’s not forget squirrels are known carriers of several infectious diseases and parasites!

Mid-Summer Squirrel Proofing Tips

Squirrels begin building their winter nests in late summer and early fall. But before they build their nests, they must find a safe and secure place for the project. Your attic is prime real estate for squirrels for all the reasons mentioned earlier: their excellent climbing skills, easy roof access, and vulnerable openings on your house’s exterior like gaps, loose shingles, crumbling mortar, torn screens, damaged attic vents, and wood rot.

In order to make your home stand strong against nuisance squirrel infestations, you must ensure that your property is animal-proofed against small to mid-size critters. While you’re at it, you can keep chipmunks, birds, and more out of your attic! Fortunately, there many effective ways to keep squirrels from becoming an unwanted house guest this year.

Home Exterior Sealing

It is important to hire a licensed and insured critter control professional to inspect your home for target vulnerabilities. They know how to identify susceptible areas that might allow squirrels or other animals to enter. They also retain the proper training, equipment, and resources to seal up openings and exposed spots on your home’s exterior, plus implement additional means of wildlife control.

Environmental Modification

The first step to stopping those furry little critters is modifying your surroundings. This means doing whatever you can to thwart squirrel activity and access. Put away accessible pet food dishes and water bowls, get rid of bird baths and houses, and eliminate low-hanging branches near roofs, patios, gardens, sheds, garages, and more (trim at least 6 feet away). You will also do well to seal up your garbage cans and only take them outside the morning of collection day.

Squirrel Repellent

At your local home and garden store or retailer, you can find non-toxic animal repellents specially-formulated to divert squirrel activity. These products come in granular, spray, and powdered form. The option you choose will depend on a few factors, such as the particular area you wish to treat and your personal preference. Squirrel repellents are inexpensive, but if you want an economical alternative, try making your own homemade animal repellent at home.

Are you searching for licensed wildlife control experts to get rid of nuisance squirrels? Contact Budget Animal Removal at 615-337-9165 for TWRA licensed and insured squirrel removal and control in Nashville, Tennessee. We serve commercial and residential clients.

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Native Indiana Squirrel Species You Might See in Your Backyard

Tree squirrels are a normal part of nature in most areas of the country. These furry little critters are most known for their long, bushy tails, sensational appetite for nuts, and their amazing tree climbing abilities. Here in Indiana, our state happens to be home to four squirrel species, all of which have their own unique and interesting attributes. But be careful! Squirrels can also be a nuisance if your property is not well-protected against wildlife tampering.

Continue reading to learn more about our Indiana squirrels, including what you can do to ensure your home or building is not a target for nuisance animal damage.

Indianapolis Squirrel Removal and Control
Indianapolis Squirrel Removal and Control 317-875-3099

Types of Squirrels in Indiana

The four species of squirrel that are native to Indiana and the surrounding regions include the Gray squirrel, Southern Flying squirrel, Fox squirrel, and the Red squirrel. The most common types of squirrels, and the ones you likely spot on occasion in your own yard, are Fox squirrels. These critters are quite loud, and love to hide, bury, dig up, and eat their nuts. Gray squirrels are also quite common, but mostly found in the Central and Southern parts of the state. Red squirrels are also referred to as “Pineys” and tend to remain mostly in the Central and Northern parts of Indiana. As for the Southern Flying squirrel, they are the smallest of the four, and nocturnal at that, making them extra special.

All four squirrel species share the same diet, including nuts like acorns, walnuts, pecans, and bird seed. Yes, they love bird seed! See our blog, “How to Prevent Nuisance Squirrels From Stealing Bird Feed” to learn how to stop this problem on your property. They also eat berries, insects, and sometimes tree bark. When it comes to their homes, all squirrel species in Indiana love to choose tree cavities and old woodpecker holes, or build nests among high, mature tree branches. They also find shelter in residential attics, which is a big problem for homeowners. Squirrel infestations are messy and destructive, and can cost thousands of dollars to renovate.

Protecting Against Nuisance Squirrels

In order to protect your home and property from nuisance squirrel damage and infestation, you must take certain precautions. Through environmental modification, you can thwart squirrel activity and divert their attention away from your property. One way to do this is to remove all things that attract squirrels, such as bird feeders, pet food, nut and fruit trees, and anything else they like. Of course, this is not always entirely possible, as most property owners do not want to remove trees simply to stop squirrel activity. But you can trim trees on a routine basis to prevent squirrels from gaining access to your roofing and siding.

The only way you can have a squirrel infestation removed from your property, whether in the attic or an outdoor shed, is to hire a licensed wildlife removal and control company. They are the only ones who have the proper permits, licenses, and resources, and offer residential wild animal extraction and exclusion services. Most companies offer 24 hour emergency assistance in the case that you find a squirrel in the house.

Affordable Squirrel Removal and Control in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call Budget Animal Removal at 317-875-3099 for fast and affordable squirrel removal and control in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding areas. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control specialists offer nuisance wildlife abatement services, clean-up and minor restorations for animal damages, 24 hour emergency service, free estimates, and much more! Get started by requesting a free estimate or advice, today.

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